Monday, December 14, 2015

The Bull of Bhubaneswar - India trip 2015

Being the BAHANA (carrier) of Lord Shiva, the Hindu God "The Destroyer" is no Bullshit. This Bull is rather a hit in our locality, where the "City of Temples" is clustered with several abodes of the Lord, with names of SUKHMESWAR, KHARAKHIA BAIDYANATH and of course the better known LINGARAJ temple.

Our local Bull is a MBBS (MAHADEBANKA BARA BULA SANDHA) or the free roaming bull of Lord Mahadeb. He has figured out the importance of Mondays, the day of his Master, as the road to the Lord passes though him. So he passes though house to house, extending his conical head towards the grilled gates.

Residents come out, feed him with veggies, mostly his favorites Radish and Cabbage, which are now in season. Then they bow before him, uttering MAHADEB MUNDIA  (Salute to the Lord). The bull hardly cares, rather stays focused on chewing the offerings, still glancing for more. For additional offerings, he pushes the already chewed stuff to Blackburner (back of his throat) and then shoves in more. Seeing another extended hand from the nearby house, he moves next door.

After feeling filled up, our local Bull takes a nap in the middle of the lane, demarcated by Bullshit. The bikers circumvent him. The four wheelers resort to honking and if that couldn't break the bull's slumber, have to come out to shoo him away. Irritated he gets up, shakes himself, moves aside to let the vehicle go.

The only person who doesn't like him is the local Grocer. Though his business has gone Bullish, he leaves no stones unturned in protecting his vegetables from the giant bovine who loves to stealthily steal them. The hapless Grocer has to fold his Lungi and throw mugs of water to get rid of the bull, yelling Hey JA JA (go away). No wonder, Every bull has his (Mon)day.

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