Monday, December 28, 2015

Preparation for departure - India trip 2015

Last night saw on TV, a news regarding some University students indulging in vandalism, throwing tomatoes and rotten eggs at their Chancellor. Riots, bottle, chair and stone throwing is a global phenomena. But throwing of eggs and tomatoes are very typical of India, probably extending to its neighbors Pakistan and Bangladesh. Why not potatoes and bananas, what's so special about eggs and tomatoes ?

More than 3 weeks gone since I came to India. I had a great time. Wherever I went I got stomach full of food and heart full of affection. As the time to bid adieu approaches the excitement dissipates and a classic role reversal takes place. The ecstatic feeling before making the trip gives rise to a morbid, remorse feeling. In the wee hours of the trip it's the endless cycle of meeting friends and relatives, run errands, packing, weighing, repacking and re-weighing of bags.

What's the similarities between a vacation, a consulting assignment and life ? All have a start date and a end date. Like all good things in life, a vacation has to end one day. Three, four or five weeks, however long you stay, it is never enough.  Vindicating Einstein's Theory of Relativity, vacations get over quickly, time flies where a working day go slow, never ends. Before the India trip I was rejuvenated and filled with energy. Towards the end of the trip I feel jaded,
somewhat depressed. There is always an inherently internal wish you had a few more days to spent. So with a heavy heart, but a pleasantly soothing balm of  anticipation to meet my family in United States, I bid adieu to Odisha and India.

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