Friday, December 4, 2015

Arrival in Delhi- India trip 2015

On my flight Amsterdam to Delhi saw this movie DIL DHADAKNE DO (Let the heart beat). Loved this monologue delivered by Anil Kapoor - "Humans are basically pretentious. If others do that we call hypocrisy, if we do it we call it worldly wise." How true.

I was rudely woken from my slumber when the pilot announced "Welcome to Delhi IGI Airport. It's 12.30 AM in morning. Hazy 17 degree Centigrade (62 Fahrenheit) outside."  At the same time came abruptly the voice of an exalted teen sitting close to me exclaimed to his buddy, "OI UTTH, BAI**OD DILLI A GAYEE  "(Get up, Delhi has arrived). More than the pilot, I found the teen's welcome far enthusiast and more apt way of welcoming to Delhi.

The BAI**OD goes little too far in that context, but it's certainly an apt waI missed the haranguing by touts (Once no sooner I came out of IGI Airport in middle of night night than was treated like a hapless hare amid hounds baying for my blood. I was forced to do an about turn and beat a hasty retreat, only to come out at the break of dawn).

My next seat neighbor on this leg of journey was a Delhi based businessman who was returning after his Vacation in Vegas. Upon queried, I said I am from Bhubaneswar. "Where is it ?", he queried again. I told him "Heard of Jagannath Puri ?". "Oh yes, Jagannath Dham", he folded his hand for Namaste, touching the touch screen of the monitor in front of him. "One day I will visit the Lord", he promised. I thought only Americans lack general knowledge, never thought a Delhi guy who can afford a Vegas vacation, hardly knows Odisha. Glad he related Jagannath Puri to God, not some Punjabi BAI**CHOD.

The Terminal 3 at Delhi Airport is quite impressive. Immigration and Customs were shoo in. Restrooms (toilets) maintained nice and clean. No strong smell of ubiquitous phenol. But no sooner I came outside, encountered the ubiquitous chaos, crowd and incessant honking.

I missed the haranguing by touts. Once as soon as I came out of IGI Airport in middle of night night, I was treated like a hapless hare amid hounds baying for my blood. I was forced to do an about turn and beat a hasty retreat only to come out at the break of dawn. Things are much better these days. More later...

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