Friday, December 18, 2015

Cold, Cough and Fever - India trip 2015

Managed to catch a fever. Got up this morning to sore throat, cough, body ache and a slight running temperature. Running around took its toll on my body. Hot and spicy food feel so soothingly titillating to my numbed taste bud. Common cold can be very irritating. Medical science which has grown leaps and bounds, is yet to discover a cure for it. Only it's duration can be minimized with plenty of fluids and rest.

So the laid back in me spent the major part of the day laying on my back in a supine position, a la a horizontal version of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Took this opportunity to catch up with news back home in United States. CNN which hosted the last Republican Primary debate, was showing clips from it. Donald Trump still trumps the pack, with his recent proposal to temporarily ban Muslims entry into USA, has stuck a chord, supported by the majority of Republicans, though opposed by Democrats and independents. Jeb Bush still struggling in single digits. Democracy at its best, as it's a long road ahead for the Republicans to pick their nominee.

Thanks to BBC and CNN, I am sane. The local Odia channels, gave me more headaches than the cold virus. During the  Odia news the screen flashes in English BREAKING NEWS. They can very well transliterate it as BHANGA KHABARA (broken news), from the way the Odia anchors and newsreaders speak in needless accented Broken Odia. I have seen "Breaking  ews" like DURDANTA APARADHI CHAKULI GIRAF (Notorious criminal named CHAKULI has been arrested). And more, NAKALI GUTHKA COMPANY UPARE POLICE RA CHADHAU  (police raid on fake chewing tobacco company).

As if not enough, came across a few more terms or phrases.

CHUTIA BANEILA (Chutia Banaya) -  Made an ass of me.

MAHANGA PADILA  (Mehnga Pada) - Prove costly.

KANA KHECHUDI PAKUCHI  (Kya Khichdi Pakta hai) - What's cooking?

God save my mother tongue. Either it is enriching itself by liberally accepting the influx from other languages. Or, it's destined towards oblivion.

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