Thursday, December 10, 2015

Day I in Bhubaneswar - India trip 2015

For my Indigo flight from Delhi to Bhubaneswar, I was handed over a boarding card, with the check-in time of 3.45PM printed on it. It was almost 4 PM now, but no sign of anyone at the gate. No display in change of boarding time on the display area. I saw an airline staff tip toing on her high pointed heels, trying to balance herself on the marble floor. I showed her my boarding pass, asking about the flight timing. Swaying to and fro, without maintaining an eye contact, she threw me new time, as if she was doing some kind of MEHRBANI (huge favor) towards me. (The flight was delayed nevertheless beyond what she told me). Indigo is a private airlines, who self prides for its impeccable Customer Service.

Reaching home, I opened the faucet of the shower. Prrr.t..prr...t, it farted twice, before pouring cold water over me, giving me a stinging chill. It was foolish on my part to I underestimat the water temperature, though the weather here in Bhubaneswar is quite warm for December. During my growing up days, even in coldest of winters, pouring couple of mugs of water got rid of cold. No more. Long term bathing in warm water irespective of the season, has taken the toll on the elusive cold showers.

My night sleep was broken by sporadic KAWALIs (group music) from stray dogs, no sooner one side finished with a seqience of wooo..woof..woof, than the other side reciproactes with their version of wooo.. wooo...woof. The long arduous wait in darkness paved way to dawn. The eastern sky grew brighter, turning crimson red. By now the rays of the morning sun had chased the darkness away. The chirping of birds became louder, so also the sound of GHANTA ( sound from round brass plates when hit with a stick) from the temple nearby.

I went to the balcony to take a peek outside. Two mongrels from a  distance came running chasing each other, one trying to catch the tail of the other. The newspaper walla (guy) swung and threw the paper past our main gate with immaculate accuracy. A biker went past honking nonstop. It was needless on an empty road, but apparently as he kicks off on his bike, honking sound keeee.. kick kick...keeee.. he gets a kick.

Last time one fine morning, I saw a guy bending over our fence, stealthily plucking flowers from our yard. Oblivious of my presence he looked left, right and let out a loud boom, creating ripples. With enough sight and sound, a new day dawns, my first day in my home state. GOOD MORNING ODISHA, more later....

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