Sunday, March 20, 2016

The serial Canine Killer in Delhi

Today on the "Times Now" Channel the news was about a Serial Dog Killer in Delhi, who is stabbing the pariah street dogs to death. Seen on CCT camera, this bearded burly beast lures the his hapless dogs with food and brutally stabs them.

Per the reporter on the news channel, the fine levied against such cruelty towards animal is a princely sum of Rs.50 (less than a dollar). Some NGOs and Animal Rights groups have declared a reward of Rs.1 lakh (10th of a million) for any informations on this guy. Hope this sick Canine Killer is soon apprehended and put to justice.

The last Winter Olympics held in Sochi, Russia was mired with many controversies, one of them is the decision by the local authorities to kill the stray dogs which for them have become a nuisance and eyesore to many foreign visitors. Their uninterrupted  howling during night and protests by animal activists during the day gave sleepless nights to the organizers.

Reminded me of this incident from my college days. One late winter evening in Bhubaneswar I was bicycling back to my house after finishing my tutorials. After crossing the railway tracks near SISHU BHAVAN - MAUSIMA CHOWK (those days there was no flyover), the chain of my bike came out. I managed to put it back on the axle.

No sooner than I resumed my journey back home, a cracking noise started coming out from the chain rubbing itself with the protective metal cover. There was hardly any traffic (not unusual those days on a wintry night when the city of  temples was still a sleepy city). Thinking of procrastinating the fix to next morning, I cranked on, sure of not getting  noticed. Or so I thought.

There were plenty of pariah dogs snoozing nearby who were soon alerted out of their slumber by the noise. Half a dozen of them gathered. Baring their fangs and barking they approached me. I chugged on, switching between fast pedaling and keeping my legs parallel to the ground to avoid getting bitten. But more than their bites what bothered me was the harrowing specter of getting 14 injections (shots) in my navel ( it was how the anti-rabies vaccine were  administered those days).

Luckily for me from a dimly lit corner  came my savior, my Hero, the Knight in Shining Armor - in form of an egg vendor who was about to call it a day. Lifting his LUNGI and swinging his stick he chased those canines away. I breathed relief. After profusely thanking him, I resumed my journey, thankfully reaching home without any further problem.

That was the closest call I ever had with a canine in my life. A few years back my father was bitten by a stray dog during his morning walk. Since then he, along with his walking companions carry a stick for self diffence. Years ago, I read the news about a 10 year old kid mauled to death by a pack of dogs in Bangalore.

Though I am all for animal rights and completely against the cruelty towards animals, I believe something must be done to alleviate the stray dog menace, whose population in India run into several millions. At least 80,000 are bitten by them in a year in Mumbai, India's foremost city and commercial center.

So how to reduce the population of the  human's oldest friend and domestic animal, in a humane way, when culling them in millions isn't a viable option - outruled by the Animal Rights groups. In USA which has its share of pet overpopulation and overflowing animal shelters,  they encourage to neuter the pets to keep them from breeding further.

But in a country like India where millions of stray dogs flood in droves every nook and street corner, catching and neutering them is a herculean task. When a menace grows into an epic proportion, drastic measures are indeed needed.  Though great animal lovers, in certain states in America they periodically make Wolf and Deer hunting legal to curb their population.

But stabbing hapless dogs by wearing a Cloak and doing a vanishing act thereafter, is the sign of a sick mind. Hope they find this lunatic Canine Killer and punish him more than levying a hefty fine of 50 rupees.

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