Thursday, March 17, 2016

Donald Trump speaking at AIPAC and his divisive campaign

It's a ritual in United States for the prospective Presidential nominees to address the AIPAC (American Israeli Political Action Committe), the all powerful Jewish lobby in America. This year's AIPAC meeting is in news, for a group of Rabbis are ready to boycott the speech of a rabble rousing rambler who not long ago was dismissed as a lunatic - Donald Trump.

Jews in USA number only 6 million, but are smart, entrepreunal and have worked their way to climb the ladder of success. Many Who's and Who of America are Jews, which includes but not limited to top Businessmen, Wall Street honchos, Bankers, lawyers, media persons and of course politicians. In fact there are more jews in US than in Israel.

It's rumored that Sheldon Adelson, an American Billionaire Jewish Casino Mogul and a staunch Republican party supporter, has promised to contribute up to $1 billion to propell a Republican to the White House. He bankrolled 2012 election campaign for the Republicans by organizing a $50,000-a-plate breakfast of American Jewish donors, with Romney sitting by his elbow.

Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime minister  made no secret of supporting Romney to the hilt. US Jews were told that voting for the Republican candidate was voting for Israel. But nothing close to that happened. Obama got an overwhelming 71% of the Jewish vote, which plays a vital role in the crucial swing state of Florida where they are in sizable number. Most moneyed jews are smart enough not to put all eggs in one basket, they make sizable contributions to the Democrat's coffer too.

Trump has not only divided Americans, he has also divided his own party. Now many Conservatives are talking about an open Convention. As they say in Odia


transliterated it means

"On one hand you commit cow killing,
On other hand you butcher a Brahmin."
Either way you commit a crime.

It denotes the classic Catch 22 situation, chosing between Devil and the Deep Sea, or Scylla and Charybdis. Now the Republicans have a classic Hobson's choice. Go ahead with Trump as their nominee. Or manipulate the Convention at Cleveland this summer by creating a dream ticket of Cruz (President) and Kasich (VP ), combining their delegates together and edging out Donald Trump.

In that case, Trump will proclaim this as suppression of his popular mandate, prompting him an independent run. Either way the GOP (Grand Old Party, another name for Republican party) is doomed. Sorry to see the party of Abraham Lincoln to Ronald Reagan in such a dire straight due to a tyro outsider  - Donald Trump.

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