Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Post Brussels attack - American is better prepared against terrorism

Brussels attack is a wake up call for Europe and the rest of the world. When the enemy is not at the gate, rather in your living room, you better be worried. Unless Eurobia cleanses itself from the  nefarious Arab immigrants and resets itself back to the past to Europe.

An ethnic cleaning is needed in Europe - of their brand of Liberals. After destroying their finance by practicing long stints of socialism and successfully converting themselves from 1st world to 2nd world nations, their extreme Left are now hell bent on destroying their national security fabric as well.

It's never too late to wake up and smell the coffee. If this trend continues, Europe which is not new to turmoils in history, can very well take a Right turn.  Can't blame them for that - drastic measures are often needed when in dire straights, especially when you leave the Leftist lunatics to run an asylum.

The problem with terrorism is - no one acts until it becomes a political issue, not until it's big enough for the politicians to win or lose elections. In India terrorism is mostly an urban phenomena, hardly impacting the small towns and rural voters who mostly matter there in elections. Until it is big enough an issue to impact the bread and butter of Netas back home, forget about waking up and smelling the coffee - they will prefer to move the issue to backburner and maintain the status quo of their KUMBHAKARNA slumber (the demon in Hindu Mythology known to sleep for months).

Terrorism is already a major Electoral issue in USA in this Presidential election cycle. It has been since the 2001, 9/11 attack, but this time Donald Trump has trumped it equally, if not above other issues. Trumpeting it after the Brussels attack should give him enough political boost, catapulting him towards his nomination. In America, terrorism yields political capital for the Republicans, as economy does to the Democrats.

Tough tomorrow is another day, touch wood - America is geographically secluded, a center-right nation and tough on terrorism. For almost 15 years since 9/11, the Department of Homeland Security in sync with CIA and FBI, have managed to keep their nation safe from any major terror attack. Politically also, they have taken some pragmatic and sensible decisions, like Democrats defying Obama by voting to override a presidential veto to block his motion to bring Syrian refusees to American soil. May this trend continues.

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