Sunday, September 22, 2013

When American president Visits India

 Last week this news got my attention,  that our BRIC mate the Brazil's President cancelled her trip to USA. The reason being Uncle Sam spoofing over her private e-mails. By doing so she sent a strong message. Hat's off to the lady. Being a superpower does not give someone rights to snoop over others e-mail. Two other BRIC mates, China and Russia have proved that they don't bend easily before America. But it is a different story for the  other BRIC nation India. When American wants India to bend it crawls. I find it very strange that our media hardly covers the visit of Russian Presidents these days. Russia is a time tested all weather friend of India. America has no permanent friends or enemies, only permanent interest (they are quite open about it).  But when any American President visits India our media goes ga ga months before the trip. They swoon over them. Our MPs rush to touch them. We forget that Clinton and Bush visited in their second term in which an American president is considered as lame duck. yet they were treated like Rock Stars. Obama's  hip twitching Diwali dance swayed many who wasted no time comparing his dance to Bollywood biggies. Alas, the same never happens when it is the other way round. Forget coverage, the American press hardly even takes notice of the visit. Russian president Putin gets far better coverage in US (more than he gets in India). Now the American press is suddenly excited in anticipation of Obama talking to the Iranian President next week (both don't have diplomatic ties since 1979). Why ? Because Putin or Iranian President though both of them no big fans of America, both matter to Uncle Sam. India though officially a close ally hardly matters. America just takes India for granted. In Odia there is a saying MAAI NUHE KI GAAI NUHE ( transliterated neither a female nor a cow). It means someone of least importance or may I say impotent ! No proverb is more accurate in this context.

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