Saturday, September 14, 2013

The verdicts on the verdict on the Delhi rape victim

I have gone through numerous  verdicts on social media about the verdict on Delhi rape case. We are now judging the judge's decision. The gloat over the death sentence is not unexpectedly high among the women as they can relate to the agony of the victim. We males are certainly anguished by this heinous act but the outpouring outrage  from the ladies side is quite understandable. It probably explains the questions from some ( invariably males. haven't noticed one from ladies yet) about the righteousness of the death penalty. They have every rights to their opinions. The debate about Capital Punishment as part of a civilized society is probably as old as the civilization itself. Some describe it as a medieval practice. America, arguably a modern state has death penalty instituted in numerous states. (Hangman's noose and electric chair has been replaced by lethal injection. A few have gas chambers I believe). America by no means less civilized than any other country. Before doing some armchair posting let's take a pause and think. Let's try to step into the shoes of the victim's family.  It would be easy for me to preach eye for an eye is wrong, state has no right to kill an individual etc etc. But would I be talking at the same breath if I can relate the victim to one of my near and dear one ? I don't think so.  Dastardly acts provoke dastardly response. In America the family members of the victim are allowed to watch the execution of the perpetrator. They do it for a reason.   It may not be humane but it is human. I have no illusion to be a Super human. Normally I won't hurt a fly, let along watch someone die. But God forbid, if one day I am invited to such an event I will take the first row. No wonder in movies nobody sheds a tear when the bad guy falls.

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