Thursday, September 19, 2013

United Way and Contribution

With Fall comes the charity time with UNITED WAY. I feel proud of being part of this esteemed organization and what they do. The phrase "Charity begins at home" never sounded more appropriate considering the numerous homes they have helped to build and rebuild. There was this battered woman who could not take the horrific physical abuse from her husband anymore. One fine morning she decided to leave him for good along with her kids. She didn't have a car and a climate controlled home (not having either easily qualifies one as poverty stricken in America) and a good College degree to stand on her own feet. Volunteers like me contributed money, time and energy to make her stand on her own feet. Long story short United Way helped her migrate from poor to the middle class.  I do my share of contribution by volunteering to file Tax for the poor. Nothing gives me a better sense of fulfillment than working for a good cause. Being a firm believer of the service to mankind is service to God I do best I can. I have forgotten when I visited a temple last time, but I never forget to pitch in for a good cause. Kudos to the efforts of the United Way making some tangible and noteworthy contribution to the society.  Hats off to them and the Spirit of charity among Americans.

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