Sunday, September 1, 2013

America's hypocrisy about their leaders' character.

As humans we all harbor some semblance of hypocrisy, big or small. One example is how the Americans judge their leaders. Cheating on spouses is not uncommon in America yet they want their political leaders to be of spotless lily white characters. Let me site a few examples. The first one is John Edwards, the rising star in the Democratic party from North Carolina and the running mate to John Kerry in 2004. An excellent fighter for the working middle class Americans he got caught up in an affair with his secretary. He had his moment of weakness which he blamed on his long lonely campaign schedule and stress related to his wife's terminal cancer. He had an illegitimate baby from his secretary and met his political end. General Petreus the CIA chief who was credited with turning around Iraq war was caught having affairs with his biographer. He blamed it on his frequent long and lonely overseas stints and subsequently unceremoniously removed. Still their prior achievements and contribution to America were forgotten and they were thrown into the dustbins of history. Bill Clinton was lot luckier. His charisma and good economy helped him survive the Lewinsky scandal. As far our leaders back home go their cheatings are way too many and go beyond the scope of this post. The difference is if caught the American politicians often admit to their guilt and apologize. India politicians have more guile and GAALUAMI (an Odia word meaning stubborn refusal to admit) to protect themselves. There is a saying in Oriya that GAALUA KU MAHADEV PAARIBENI..even Lord Siva cannot conquer a stubborn liar. It speaks for itself. A few elderly folks (both in India and America) confided to me how much they are amused at the conduct of some from their generation. They see them preaching ethics and morality to their own kids when they themselves were never the epitomes of morality when they were at their kids age. Hypocrisy handed down the generation.

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