Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Power as an aphrodisiac

There is no powerful aphrodisiac in the world than the power itself. This has been true throughout the centuries. Around the time of Gautama Buddha, Ajatsatru the King of Magadha imprisoned and killed his father Bimbisara to ascend the throne. His son exactly followed his father's footstep. Aurangzeb, the Mughal emperor famously said " Kingship is more powerful than Kinship". He killed his brothers including his elder brother Dara who was the favorite son of his father Sah Jahan. Over centuries nothing has changed. Zulfiquar Ali Bhutto, the ex-PM of Pakistan trusted Zia-Ul-Haq. He promoted him over others and made him the Army chief. He thought Zia as a pliable one and often used to poke fun at him in public referring to him as his Monkey general for the later's looks. Zia had the last laugh. He arrested Bhutto in a coup and hung him soon after. Power and betrayal has been synonymous through human history. No wonder the saying goes " Absolute power corrupts absolutely".

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