Monday, August 26, 2013


Arguably the reign of Emperor Harshvardhan's in North India and  Raja Krishnadev Ray's in South is regarded as the Golden era in our Indian History. There was hardly any hiatus between the rulers and the ruled. The kings mostly full filled their RAJDHARMA ( duty of a King) and their subjects were by and large satisfied. Legend goes that many kings notably Harshvardhan and Krishnadev took disguise and mingled incognito with local populace to have a first hand knowledge of their subject's plight. Then came the Afghans, Mughals and British. They were aliens from another land who came to India attracted by its wealth. Gradually they became the ruler of the territory they occupied and had least affinity to the natives. Since they were not familiar with the local culture and lingo they succinctly cultivated a class of DALAALs (middlemen-cum-touts) who became the conduit between the rulers and the ruled. The Persian concept of MANSABDARI system of appointing serfs who delegated the administration to more serfs further down the hierarchy came into existence. It became the perfect breeding ground for DALALs who like Dracula became the bloodsucking parasites to the commoners and boot licking servitude to their masters at the same breath. Unsurprisingly  it gave birth to the CHAMCHAGIRI (obsequiousness) culture. Even The Mughal emperor Akbar though a relatively benevolent ruler was not immune to this scourge.  Later on William Bentinck, the British Governor General credited with curbing evils like SATI (forcible burning of widow in with her husband's pyre), Child marriage and THUGEE (Highway robbers) tried to bridge the gap. But his successors did not follow his foot step. Britishers ruled us using this DALAL class who readily acted as informers which make the task of former a whole lot easier . The culture of JUGAAD (arrangement) slowly became well entrenched in the milieu and thrives till date.  Quoting a dialogue by Anupam Kher from HUM " We have three classes of people ATYACHAARI (the oppressor), KRANTIKAARI (the protestor) and INKE FAIDA LETE UTHATE HUE HAMARA JAISA VYAPARI(taking advantage of them are the DALALS like us)".  It is said that Mohammad Tughlaq, the eccentric ruler of Delhi left Delhi for Daulatabad after being sick and tired of these DALALs. It is no better today.

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