Saturday, March 28, 2020

The vagaries of life

Dr. Ferguson, the infectious disease modeler who predicted deaths in US might reach 2.2 million tested positive for Coronavirus.

Sometimes I wonder about the vagaries of life. A doctor who cures patients from incurable diseases, often falls pray to mundane ailments. Many doctors, some of them my close friends who give lengthy lectures about the bad effects of tobacco and alcohol are perennial chain smokers, champion chewers of ZARDA (scented tobacco) and frequently get doused in liberal dosage of sundowners.

Doctors aren't the only ones to fall into the category. Great bowlers who take the wickets of the best of the best batsmen often get out to ordinary bowlers. Excellent astrologers who can predict other's future with immaculate accuracy can barely control their own fate. Burglaries in policemen's home aren't so uncommon.

Strange are the ways of life. Many politicians and celebrities have double lives and double (often multiple, though not legal) wives. Many Conservative Christian Evangelists, famous for their belief - "God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" have been infamously caught with their gay partners.

Many regular Church going, wedding ring flaunting, believers in family values and virulent critics of the then President Bill Clinton's debauchery were caught with their concubines. One was Georgia's Congressman New Gingrich - a staunch conservative and vocal votary of the impeachment trial against Clinton was caught having affair with his secretary.

Another was his colleauge Larry Craig, a Conservative Republican Idaho senator who was highly critical of Clinton's morals was caught red handed soliciting gay sex in Minneapolis airport.

Many temple going BHAKTs (devotees) and PRAVACHAN givers (preachers) whose sermon espouses EKA PATNI BRATA (belief in single spouse), siting the example of Lord Ram and Devi Sita, are known to be champion womanizers.

Khushwant Singh in his autobiography had mentioned about Moulana Azad, one of our founding fathers and freedom fighters. Moulana would spend his evenings sipping Scotch in his privacy and would be curt if intruded.

Obviously Maulana got to be secretive about this habit, for it could have impacted his image in public, especially being from the Muslim community. Such public figures leading a double life is not something new. The list is endless. This inherent hypocrisy has to do with our tendency to do do something in private and preach something in public.

A 73 year old guy once told me - I am perplexed by the hypocrisy of my generation who now preach morality and abstinence to their children. The irony is, they never cared about these virtues when they were young, growing up in the wild 1960s and 70s. Odd are the ways of of life and its vagaries.

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