Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Mayor Bloomberg and quest for power

Michael Bloomberg, a Billionaire Businessman is running for Democratic nomination to challenge Donald Trump in this year's Presidential election in the UnitedStates. Though he has spent more than half a Billion ($500 million) from his own pocket, his campaign doesn't seem to be getting much traction. The Super Tuesday Primary scheduled for today in nine states will determine the future course of his campaign.

Why would a Billionaire would spent a gargantuan amount and devote so much time and energy for a job which will pay an annual salary of $400,000 - a fraction of a Billion the man is worth for. $400K annual income is no big deal these days, when Gas station and convenient store owners easily earn that amount. It is another matter that being the President of US, one gets a free (White) house and Air force One to fly on. But I am sure Bloomberg has a house bigger than the White House and owns a private jet. At his age and this point in his career he can retire and relax for rest of his life.

So, why Bloomberg is making the pitch a bit late in the game. The answer is - the quest for power. At 78, he is making one last investment, his last shot at being the President of United States - arguably the most powerful position on earth. Power is an addiction, power is the biggest aphrodisiac. Otherwise, why would someone spend $500 million of own money and counting for a $400,000 job ?

Historically the quest for power led to conflicts, massacres, fratricide and regicide. There used to be a popular saying during the days of Mughal dynasty which ruled India during at  medieval time - "TAKHT YA TAKHTA", meaning "Crown or Coffin". It aptly described the fratricidal wars fought between the brothers for the prized Kingship which knew no Kinship. In the end one ended up with Crown, the rest destined to graves.

The last powerful Mughal emperor Aurganzeb was no different. After killing his three brothers he captured the prized Peacock Throne and put his ailing father  Sahajahan to house arrest overlooking river Yamuna.

It is also probably true that when Aurangzeb sent his father, his dad's favorite son and his own blood brother Dara Shikoh's head (actually served on a platter when Shah Jahan was dining), the old man fainted, his face crashed into the table, breaking his teeth.

But Sah Sahan, the old man who fainted at the sight of the ghastly, macabre sight of his son's severed head, had no qualms about blinding and killing his brothers for securing his throne. He inhereting these traits from his father Jahangir, who blinded his rebellious son who wanted to usurp his father for the coveted crown. 

We no more live in such ruthless era, but the battle for political turf is pretty ruthless, albeit bloodless. For the Office of the America President it's a battle to finish in a political war which starts in February in the form of the Primaries, ending in November in final Election day.

It should be noted that BEPAARI JAATI (The tribe of businessmen) have no principle or party affiliation. They are part of as we say in Odia - classic CHHATA (Umbrella) Party. A commonly used Odia saying is, "BARSHA JUADE CHHATA SIADE "(as the direction of rain goes, so follows the umbrella), which means the tendency of being a fair weather friend. 

In the year 2004 Trump was a Democrat and Bloomberg a Republican. Now the table has turned. Trump is the incumbent Republican President and Bloomberg is vying for Democratic nominee to challenge him - one last hurrah at the topmost cherished job in the world, a businessman ready to dethrone another and filling up a vacuum when the public trust on career politicians is at historic low.

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