Monday, May 1, 2017

Kadi Ninda Singh

Once Home Minister Rajnath Singh was driving from Lucknow to Delhi. On the way he met an hitchhiker who asked him for a ride. "Hop in" - said Rajnath Singh.

Oblivious of the person who gave him the ride, the hitchhiker asked his name. "Don't worry. By the time I finish telling my name, we will reach Delhi" - replied the Honorable Home Minister. "Do you have such a long name Sir ? You don't sound South Indian" - queried the now perplexed hitchhiker.

It's a long story, as long as my name. My original name was Rajnath Singh. Not long after I became the home minister, Pakistan launched a terror attack on our soil. I responded with NINDA (Condemn). So, I was christened - Ninda Singh.

Then Pakistan launched one more attack. I responded with KADI NINDA (severe condemnation). I became K. Ninda Singh. Another attack followed, I retaliated with KADI SE KADI NINDA (Strongest of the strongest condemn). I was renamed as KSK Ninda Singh.

As they reached the outskirts of Delhi continued the home minister - After the 489th attack and my 489th response, I became KSKKSKKSKKSKKSK Ninda Singh. The hitchhiker on the backseat was seen scratching his head, rolling fingers on his forehead.

He was immensely relieved when finally he arrived at his destination. "Going through the longest of long names in Chennai Telephone Directory was a walk in the park for me. But I can't take it any more", said the hitchhiker while thanking Mr. Singh for the ride. As he disemarked, he requested - "By the way Sir, do you have a headache pill to spare" ?

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