Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Day V in Bhubaneswar - India trip 2017

After taking an early morning shower on Monday morning, following my mom's diktat I walked towards SUKHMESWAR MANDIRA, one of several Shaivite (of Lord Shiva) temples scattered around adoring my neighborhood of Old Town.

Before that I drank Tea, Amul Lassi and couple of glasses of PAIDA (young coconut) water. While on my way back, I realised my bladder was about burst as I won't be able to hold on to it much longer. 

As there was still some distance to be covered (distance is a relative term and not just a number when you walk with or without nature's call), I thought it would be prudent to open the valve midway.

Frantically looking for a spot with privacy, I found a suitable peeing spot by roadside. It was a dry spot near a wet wall, heavily stained by betel leave saliva and more heavily stenched by rivulets of urine mixed with red saliva.

Couple of guys joined me on my side, inspecting the site for a location. The guy on my right looked up into the sky while relieving himself. I turned my head to the left and smiled at the other. He reciprocated by smiling back at me, exposing his phalanx of dark, betel stained 32 teeth.

We all shook ourselves off, lifted and tightened our pants and bid each other an unspoken good bye. It is another feeling relieving yourself under open, blue sky. I managed to leave my scent behind, may be back one day to reuse the spot. It is the best way to recycle these wall urinals lurking around the smart city.

No place to wash hands, I knew it will be a few minutes before I reach home to do so - sincerely wishing of not getting an opportunity to shake my hands with someone. Feeling completely light and relieved, I started trudging my way back home.

Soon my wish was to be belied. On my way back, I saw a familiar face rushing towards me - "HAIO KEBE ASILA. KETE DINA ACHHA" (Hey when did you come. How long you will be staying), extending his hands for a warm handshake.

I reluctantly took my hand forward, squinting my nose and hesitantly took his hand for a handshake. The smiling guy on the other side shook his hands enthusiastically for few seconds. 

Post handshake, he rolled his hands over his lip and chins, making me squint and raise my nose further. Hope someone recorded this handshake moment, it could very well get million plus hits on YouTube a la the greatest handshakes in history - Chamberlain with Hitler, Nixon with Chairman Mao, Reagan vs Gorbachev and so on. Glad I didn't meet any more Mr. Fortunates on my way to shake hands with. More later...

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