Friday, May 26, 2017

Day I in Bhubaneswar - India trip 2017

My first night's sleep in Bhubaneswar was broken by sporadic QAWAALIs (group music) from stray dogs. No sooner one side finished with a seqience of wooo..woof..woof, than the other side reciprocated with their version of wooo.. wooo...woof. After a cat nap break, the dogs resumed again.
The jet lag forced my son and I to wake up at 2.30 AM in the morning, preventing us from sleeping any further. Sidhant got busy, Skyping with his friend in US. I caught up with the World Wide Web (www) world, following US's share of the World News and prices of my Shares.
I opened the faucet. The tap farted twice prrt...prrt, before pooping out water. The long arduous wait in darkness paved way to dawn. The eastern sky grew brighter, turning crimson red, slowly the early rays of the morning sun had chased the darkness away. The chirping of birds became louder, so also the sound of GHANTA (sound from round brass plates when hit with a stick) in rhythmic unison of DHAIN DIDHAAIN DHAAIN... DHAIN DIDHAAIN DHAAIN from the nearby MATHA (Monastery).
I went on to the balcony to take a peek outside. Half a dozen mongrels were still napping at a safe distance from a sleeping Brown Bull, careful not to disturb the giant bovine catching up some sleep before the day starts to get hot.
From distance a came the newspaper walla (guy). Swinging his arms, he threw the newspaper past our main gate with immaculate accuracy. A biker went past honking nonstop. It was needless on an empty road, but apparently as he kicks off on his bike, honking sound keeee.. kick kick...keeee.. he gets a kick.
In one of my earlier India trips in winter, one fine morning I saw a guy who just bended over our fence, stealthily plucking flowers from our yard. Oblivious of my presence he looked left, right and let out a loud boom, creating ripples behind his LUNGI (Loincloth). With enough sight and sound, a new day dawns, my first day in my home state in India. GOOD MORNING ODISHA, more later....

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