Sunday, January 24, 2016

Trump is certainly not suicidal

I am no fan of Donald Trump, but if the reports on media, social or otherwise are to be believed, there is some concern, that if he is elected as the President of United States, he will go berserk. That kind of over reaction I think is not only preposterous, but little far fetched.

Having followed the American politics closely for close to two decades, I can vouch, nothing of that sort gonna happen. Before Modi led BJP won handsomely in 2014, many predicted doomsday for minorities in India (as if there were no atrocities against Minorities during the times of Congress and the Communist supported governments. Nellie massacre in Assam in 1893, followed by the Delhi massacre after Indira's assassination in 84, both took place when Congress government was in its prime and very much at the helm of affairs). Hardly anything close to that has happened.

So IF Donald Trump gets nominated and IF he gets elected (both conditions have to simultaneously coming true), I am sure he is not going to nuke everyone. (Having said that, a week is a long time in politics and November is politically eons away). A businessman sitting over an empire of $9 billion might exhaust rhetorical crap to his political advantage, but he is far from being a suicidal megalomaniac. Never underestimate the calculative acumen of a successful businessperson.

As they say - all politics are local. Trump is simply playing to the playing fields at his crucial juncture of campaigning. Anything construed beyond his rhetoric is needless fear mongering. Folks on the other side of the globe have more chances of a Mullah Missile or Kim's Kamikaze Kids, rather than Trump sending nuclear warheads on their way.

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