Tuesday, January 26, 2016

American Conservatism - 101

Many Conservatives in America are now wary of Donald Trump, as he is in the striking distance of snatching away the Republican nomination from a field who are Champions of American Conservatism. Their concern - Trump, who was a Democrat before with liberal credentials, will compromise with their  core conservative principles,  once he gets Republican party's nomination.
Trump in my opinion is a PUCCA BEPARI or VYAPARI (businessperson), who not without reason has built a fortune for himself, sitting over an empire of $9 billion. He can resort to all rhetorical crap to his political advantage, but he is far from being a suicidal megalomaniac. Never underestimate the calculative acumen of a successful businessperson. I am sure,  he will campaign and once elected. govern from the center. That's exactly what the conservatives fear.
Here is a glimpse of American conservatism for the uninitiated, encapsulating some of their Core principles.
AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM - We all know this and there is some truth to it. Without certain exceptional qualities and leadership, America wouldn't be where it is today. Even virulently anti Americans grudgingly admit the same. Yet, self glorification takes the mojo out of it. Rubbing of self ego hardly helps, same as the Message - A Self massage doesn't give you the same pleasure, as much as the massage given to you by someone else.
SMALL GOVERNMENT - A la the conservatives, I am a big believer in small governments, often vocal about it. It has been vindicated, smaller the government leads to reduced Bureaucracy means better governance.

GOD, GAY and GUN- They strongly believe in God and firmly against gun control and gay marriage. I believe that gays, like any Homo Sapien deserve the rights to be gay and happy,  and pursuit of life, liberty. But I believe that marriage is a union between a man and a woman.
STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS - With more than 12 million illegal immigrants in USA, it's the right issue for the Right Wingers. There's a legal channel to come to America in order to pursue the American dream, for after all, this is a land of immigrants. But what's illegal is illegal, cannot be condoned.
LESS TAX AND FREE MARKET- My take is both Yes and No. Yes, I am a staunch supporter of free market. Yes, lots of tax loopholes need to go. No - America has one of the lowest taxes in the world compared to other developed nations. So little more tax on the rich won't hurt.
LESS FREEBIES LIKE UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS  AND FOOD STAMPS - Agree, it should be temporary. Otherwise, it won't motivate people to work. Extra socialism can be suicidal. Name a few successful socialist countries (Commies won't agree).
ANTI- ABORTION - Conservatives are against abortions, even in the case of Rape and Incest. But I am pro-choice, I believe in a woman's right to chose.
Summing up, I consider myself a center-right persons as almost 40% Americans are. In some matters I am conservative, and in some matter I am progressive.

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