Thursday, January 21, 2016

Jealousy - An inherent human quality

Last week someone won the Mega Billion Lottery worth $1.5 Billion in USA. I hardly cared. But if that person would be sitting next or someone close to me, it  might have given me some heartburn. We hardly get this feeling for someone we barely known. Many win lottery, I hardly care. But if my loved ones would win, it can me feel sad. The reason is - Jealousy, an inherent human quality. An overwhelming majority of us harbor this feeling.

The extent of jealousy varies from person to person, yet nobody is totally  immune to it. We mostly feel jealous  towards those who tend to have what we aspire for, usually more towards the familiar faces. Women are generally jealous of fellow women about their  looks, jewellery, cloths etc. For men, it's mostly about wealth and material possessions.

Only exception are the parents who are never jealous of their children. Their success make them proud. Any other relationship on earth is not so immune to this feeling.

Reminds me of a scene from the epic Hindi movie "3 IDIOTS", where both the friends of Aamir Khan were sad as they thought their friend Rancho failed the test. And they were sadder, when they found that he topped in the class. The reason, we can very easily sharesome one's sorrow but rarely his happiness at the same breath.

The pangs of jealousy can always be overcome with logic. If someone wins a lottery it is his (or her) destiny. Somebody becomes successful it could be due to hard work and being at the right place at right time, whereas I missed the boat. My jealousy will give me unsolicited headaches and heart burns, with no impact on the other person. I will end up spending more on Motrins and Antacids. So it's better make peace with life and move on.

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