Friday, January 22, 2016

Money - the greatest leveller

Like every year, I return to Volunteer filing Income Tax Returns for the lower income people. It gives me the immense pleasure of volunteer work and the accompanied opportunity to interact with folks from different walks of life. From a 95 year old lady, who as a teenager drove a Ford (In 1930s, 90% of American households had access to car), how she flirted with her beau on telephone (Americans then had 4 times more phones per person than British, 6 times more than Germans), to anecdotes from an 18 year old, whose mom never returned to his Indian father after moving to US with him, settling down here for good.
But nothing trumps this encounter a few years ago. Money certainly can be a great leveler, the proof of which I saw in my own eyes. Like every tax season, one fine winter morning I was doing my Volunteer Tax Preparation for low income people. A couple who were filing jointly, as usual were seating across me, while I prepared their taxes. As I was busy going through their documents, entering them on the IRS website, the couple were busy bickering among themselves.
Their verbal cat fight, was reaching its zenith (fights are a ritual amongst couple, only exception were probably Sri Maa and Aurobindo or may be Ramakrishna Paramhans and Sarala Devi). Tax Preparation needs utmost  attention, so the couple's rambling was  an irritating drag on my work.
My cup of patience was full. I was about to mildly reprimand them when all of a sudden their Refund Amount popped up on the screen. They were getting around $3600 back which was a hefty amount in proportion to their income.(The so called  low income folks who come here to file their taxes drive cars, smoke Camel cigarette, stand in line until the door opens and wait patiently when their turn comes).
I interrupted their bickering, announcing the Refund amount which is going to land up in their Bank Account in 2-3 weeks, after e-filing their Returns. Their face suddenly glowed, words turned sweeter. The husband now started calling the wife Sweetie. The wife reciprocated with calling her hubby Honey. They high-fived and praised Good Lord for being generous to them that morning. (Little they understood that it's their own money they are getting back from IRS who holds on to more than a year with 0% APR). The animosity that existed between the squabbling couple only moments ago, was now gone. With a smiling face they warmly shook my hands and bid adieu. No question, Money certainly can be a great leveler. Their reaction made me remember the good ole rhyme
"Money money money.
Brighter than sunshine,
Sweeter than Honey".

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