Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Saudi Arabia cuts diplomatic ties with Iran

Insecurity and fall from grace from the past glory, can drive a person or a nation towards drastic measures. It is vindicated by the Saudis who just cut off diplomatic ties with Iran.

Gone are the days, especially in 1970s, when the Saudis had a complete  monopoly on hydrocarbons and controlled the cartel called OPEC. A Saudi led oil embargo in 1973, saw severe gas shortage, leading to long lines in front of gas stations in US.

Things have changed now. Saudis, still supplying the largest chunk in oil market are challenged by substantial supply from Countries like Nigeria and Venezuela. Coupled with America's own Shale gas and better fuel efficient vehicles, it has decreases the world's largest consumer's dependency of the Saudis. It has made the later most insecure, ever since I remember.

Ever surplus with oil revenue, Saudi Arabia is now running a deficit of USD 100 billion. So it could soon end or drastically curtail the subsidies on health care, water and gas, it showers on its citizenry. It's akin to a household accustomed to affluence, getting insane and prone to committing harakiri, when going gets tough. It comes with a dollop of double whammy of jealousy, when the rival neighbor and long time rival gets more powerful than ever before. Such a situation can make a person or country do weird, immature things and Saudi Arabia is no difference. This is exactly happening vis a vis Iran in its neighborhood.

Saudi Arabia remained conspicuously silent when Saddam Hussein, who equalled Persians as vermins and the worst thing to happen to mankind, waged a decade long war with its Shia majority neighbors. Americans, who are champion businessmen, made profit out of that war, selling weapon to their then blue eyed boy Saddam, who they described as "A bast**rd, but our bast**rd". There are pictures of Rumsfeld, one of the architects of 2003 Iraq war, shaking hands with Saddam.

Americans, again champion of practising disastrous foreign policy, in one stroke made the Shite Iran powerful. A dumb Bush and dumber Cheney's removed Saddam Hussein, making its Persian neighbor fulfill the vacuum. Now Iran is a major player in the middle east, regarded as the savior of the Shias. It has now tremendous influence in Iraq, supports Assad in Syria, a major player in Lebanon and Yemen. It's fair game in middle east, fair game in a region which has a penchant for turmoils.

The Pragmatic Americans have realized this. With a history of practicing out of box foreign policy whenever it suits their need, they have realized which way the wind is blowing, by making a Nuclear deal with their bette noire Iran. This has made the geriatric Saudi leadership more paranoid. Killing of the Shia Cleric was the mean, to the end of cutting off ties with Iran. Middle East is getting murkier, as ever.

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