Thursday, October 26, 2023

Turbulent time in America

 Politically it is turbulent time in America as the politics in the country seem to be in a mess these days. Fatigue had set in the House of Representatives as the house Republicans, forget being bipartisan, couldn't even agree among themselves for weeks when America is heading towards a debt defaulting crisis as the holiday season approaches. 

Donald Trump, the prospective Republican nominee for 2024 Presidential Elections and battling multiple court cases has virtually hijacked the GOP (another name for the Republican party). Stretching loyalty over Republican party's core principles, Trump has set the cat amongst the pigeons by supporting one candidate or the other for the position of House Speaker so that he can extend his control to the house Republicans. Finally, the candidate whom Trump perceives as most loyal to him managed to become the Republican speaker of the House.

Democrats aren't looking great. They are no lily white either. Bob Menendez, a Democratic Senator from New Jersey has been caught pants down, literally, as he was soliciting prostitutes. Per a joke shared by Comedian Bill Maher, Mendez had his rendezvous with a prostitute who alleged him for not paying her dues. Mendez justified his action - "I am socially liberal, but fiscally conservative". 

Menendez was found hoarding stashes of cash and gold bars all over his house, a phenomenon common in 3rd world countries. Joe Biden's leadership doesn't look very inspiring as he is managing an economy which looks wobbly. Wall Street might be doing well, but on ground, the Main Street doesn't see anything like that on the ground. For a commoner like me, everything from the intems in grocery stores to restaurants seem more expensive these days with no immediate relief in sight. 

The January 6 insurrection is now almost forgotten with anyone yet to be made fully accountable. 70% Republicans believe the 2020 Election was stolen. These kind of internal bickering between the Democrats and Republicans has resulted in hampering America's image as a global Superpower. China and Russia have started taking US for granted as American is no more perceived as the Global Policeman. Israel has attacked by Hamas as the terrorist organization at a time it pervasives America getting weaker. The middle eastern countries no more take the US leadership for granted. 

I believe in America's resilience. It has came out of the tumultuous 1960s and 1970s when a President was assassinated, followed by phases of bad economy and Watergate scandal. Hope the current downslide is arrested and America gets back to where it belongs.

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