Friday, October 20, 2023

My key to embarrassment

 A few years back, one fine afternoon I came out of a local Grocery Store and opened a vehicle's front door using my car key. It was my car, or so I thought. As I was about to get in, I had this weird feeling as if something is missing, something seemed very unfamiliar to me. I saw an open Cigarette pack and a lipstick on the passenger side seat. 

Instantly I realized that I have keyed into the wrong car. A car exactly same as mine - the same model, brand and color which was parked right next to my car. It was similar but not the same car. I could feel my heart pounding as I got out of it, looking around to make sure that no one was noticing in order to save myself from embarrassment.

On my drive back home on my car, I wondered how could I enter into another car using my own car key ? Is this an undetected defect with Honda, a renowned car maker known for its outstanding quality ? Even if it was an old car, I shouldn't have been able to unlock another car using my own keys. Has this happened to anybody in US before ? I apparently turned in my key to embarrassment as these thoughts were doing gymnastics inside by dumb mind.

Thankfully I drove my own car back home. Otherwise, if I drove home with the wrong car and my wife would have found the lipstick on the passenger side - I can't fathom the depth of her fury. I don't smoke. But I could have explained about the Cigarettes. But I couldn't have come with an alibi to explain the lipstic on the passenger side. My explanation - "It's not what it looks like, I can explain it" blah blah would have fallen into deaf ears, making me to look for shelters for the Homeless in my city. "Whew" - I was so relieved that nothing of that sort happened. It was definitely a close call.

I am now reminded of this joke. A man suddenly started wearing earrings. When asked since when he started wearing earrings, his answer was - "Since my wife found it inside my car". Glad I haven't started wearing lipstic.

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