Monday, October 16, 2023

Happy birthday Dr. Kalam

 Exactly 21 years go, in the month July 2002, K R Narayanan completed an uneventful stint as the President of India. Politically, it was a unique time in the country. The BJP led government was in power at the center by a slim majority supported by regional parties, whereas many politically important states had parties opposed to the ruling coalition of BJP. In the event of an electoral college based contest, the BJP led government at center wasn't confident of getting its candidate elected for the highest office of the land, though a ceremonial one.

Politics was simmering, as every party wanted to have a piece of the Presidential Pie. Though ceremonial, the Presidency of India is a prestigious post which comes a huge Bunglow at heart of Lutyen's Delhi along with myriads of perks at the tax payers expense. Also a President might come in handy if a party doesn't get a majority on its own in the age of coalition politics at that time). Some one came with the name of Dr. Abdul Kalam, a retired scientist and the brain behind India's indigenous missile technology for the coveted post. 

Lo behold, almost all parties fell in line for his candidacy (of course except the Communists who blindly oppose anything or anybody supported by BJP). Dr. Kalam did the unthinkable, where  parties as polarized as Shiv Sena and MIM, Muslim League agreed to support him (one probably have to point gun at their heads to make them agree on something). 

Such was the stature of the man who commands tremendous respect in a nation which is divided across multiple spectrum of politics, caste, creed, religion, language, sex and what not ! A man of unparalleled ethics, non controversial, workaholic and known as the man who forgot to marry (probably it contributed to stay focused in his mission).

People loved him out of respect and sheer trust, based upon his achievement and his unassuming, a down to the earth personality. When you are led down inside the earth in July 2015, you carried the burden of tears and great wishes of more than a billion people. RIP Dr. KALAM - my tribute to the man on his 92nd birthday.

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