Friday, October 13, 2023

Hamas's attack on Israel - October 2023

 It is the ides of October. This month is known to have its share of turbulence in history - from the famous October revolution in Russia in 1917, to the epic Wall Street crashes in 1929, 1987 and 2008 in the same month. This October, Hamas, Israel's bête noire, launched massive terror attacks in Gaza from land, sea and air, killing hundreds and taking scores of women and children as hostage. Israel's response has been swift. The nation has retaliated forcefully. This imbroglio has put the Middle East into crisis mode once again. And month of October isn't done yet. 

I am reminded of the famous cat eating bird story, one of the episodes from the epic Indian short story collection of "PANCHA TANTRA" (The Five Treatises). A bird was trying to make cat see sense with reasoning, proselytizing it to follow a peaceful, pious path. The cat feigned listening to the story in rapt attention. No sooner it got closer to the bird, than it jumped on it, killed and ate the bird. Moral of the story - Don't try to inculcate empathy, sense and righteousness into those who are unreceptive to such message. It is not only futile, it can backfire big time. No wonder, scores from a music festival in the quest peace, including one pro-peace American academic in Israel was amongst those killed in the Hamas attack. So much to senseless wokeism. 

Terrorists are terrorists - regardless of their religion, caste, creed or color. No matter what, shooting unarmed people in a music festival, taking women and children into captivity is a crime. Period. Also this is a rare but major intelligence failure of Israel's famed secret services Mossad which otherwise has many spectacular successes under its belt. Israel has already started striking back pretty hard. They aren't paper tigers soiled in unrealist belligerence and soaked in fake jingoism. It responses in kind to any attack on its interest without any hesitation. I can foresee Israel doing more harsh things in Gaza as United States has already extended it its blank support to the Jewish state. 

America's support to Israel is nothing new and unwavering. In 1948, when the state of Israel was formed, Harry Truman, then the President of the United States, a Democrat, immediately recognized it risking Arab backlash. Since then US has unequivocally backed Israel. Apart from perfunctory American aids and grants, Israel invariably gets the latest arms, ammunition and equipments from Uncle Sam. Whenever there is a resolution against Israel in Security Council, the nation gets the blanket support from the United States. You may very well say that Israel is the undeclared 51st state of the United States. More jews live in USA than Israel and are known to be traditionally rich and influential. 

United Nations (UN), an useless bloated bureaucracy has urged restraint and peace from both sides. As if Hamas and Israel care a hoot about its appeal ! In June 1981 when the Israeli F-16s bombarded Baghdad to permanently end Saddam Hussain's nuclear ambition, Menachem Begin, Israeli Prime Minister at that time was condemned by the United Nations. US promptly vetoed the resolution. I am now reminded of a cartoon by the eminent cartoonist R.K. Laxman on  newspaper "Times of India" depicting the UN Secretary General admonishing a defiant Menachem Begin, the Israeli Prime Minister - "If you attack again, you will be condemned more severely". 

Meanwhile, India has opted to extend its support to Israel and a Palestinian state, though it has denounced Hamas's action as terror. Whereas China, a country Israel holds in much higher esteem due to its business interests has urged calm. This symbolizes that Foreign policy doesn't run on raw emotions, but rather on pragmatism and harsh realities where protection of self interest based realpolitic rules the roost. This latest crisis shouldn't be viewed in the simplicistic prism of another religion conflict. Middle East is much more complex. 

I have seen a few Right wing supporters in India who never held a gun in their life, volunteering themselves to fight for Israel. Relax folks. It is fine to extend your moral support, but it is a different thing to fight an actual war. Israel can take care of itself and doesn't need any unsolicited, untrained mercenaries. No wonder China, which puts religion into back burner before its national security has urged restraint without taking any sides. Let our government's foreign policy do the whatever is appropriate in the interest of our country. Whatsapp University graduates, fighting wars is not your forte. Please stay away from this.


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  2. Sambeet all those Indians (and Hindus to boot) who expressed their undying love for Muslims and Pakistanis..they are now roasting in shame and embarrassment. Right there on facebook, you could see them day after day, not long after the 26/11 attacks declaring Pakistanis to be "our brothers and sisters who we must embrace" and "we are very fair to Muslims" are squirming like toads right now. Of course, their continued Bhakt-attacks go on unflinching which is their way of covering their rear ends.
