Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Rasputin the Evil Monk

 Most of us may not have heard of Rasputin, the Evil Monk who was killed exactly 107 years, a month and a day ago, i.e. 30th December of 1916. A strapping tall peasant from Siberia, he blended his charm and rumored spiritual power to get close to Romanov family, the last Czar to rule Russia.

Using his charisma, combined with a powerful, potent mix of mystic persona along with a reputation of irresistible sexual prowess he soon rose to become a confidant to Alexandra, the last Czarina of Russia. Draped in long, dark orb, the mountain sized Russian with piercing bright blue eyes was rumored to possess a soothing healing touch, so much so that Alexandra believed he cured her hemophiliac son Alexei, the heir apparent to Czar's throne.

Alas, her dream of seeing her son ascending to Czar's throne came crashing down, as the hungry protesters of St. Petersburg crashed into the Czar's palace, ransacking it as the Cossacks called out to quell the riots refused to open fire. 

No one knows exactly when Gregory Rasputin got access to the Royal family. But what is known, the barely literate man from the far off eastern province of Siberia had a taste for expensive Cakes, Caviar, Ice Cream, exotic Champagnes and of course pretty Women. He soon began to develop a cult around him, so much so that his female followers would rush to kiss his long, dark flawing beard and scrambled to lick leftovers of cake crumbles from his plate.

No wonder the insecure women of the Court at those turbulent times when the Bolshevik Revolution was knocking at Czar's palace door found him attractive. For he was a tall man, with remarkable muscular, slim figure despite being a sweet tooth glutton and a prolific wine guzzler. Leading a hedonistic life and maintaining such a figure without any known fitness regime, it only added an aura of myth around him, with women flocking in hordes to seek solace from his company in those tumultuous days of Russian history. Rasputin took full advantage of their insecurity and his amplified personality.

The Monk's growing power and fetish for wine and women created jealousy accompanied by enemies in Czar's court. A group of Monarchists led by Prince Yusupov decided that they had enough of him and thought of getting rid of him. Knowing his sweet tooth, they served him his favorite Cake and Wine heavily laced with poison. To their surprise Rasputin finished the Cake and Ale, scaring the plotters by smiling back at them. Now a bewildered and impatient Prince Yusupov and his cohorts shot him several times from point blank, but mysteriously Rasputin refused to die. 

The nervous killers then dragged him outside to the bank of a frozen lake and shot him there too, again from close range. Rasputin slumped down and became quite. Convinced that they had the last of Rasputin, Yusupov and his accomplices turned around and started to walk away.

No sooner they walked back a few feet, than they heard him cursing them - "After me, your end isn't far away". They looked back to see a crawling Rasputin struggling towards them, still mumbling his curse, not in a mood to die and refusing to lay still. The assassins were too afraid to turn back and fled.

Nothing more is known about Rasputin after that incident. What is known, his prophetic curse came true, sooner than later. The very next year, the Bolsheviks snatched power, followed by wiping out of the entire Romanov family. All Czar's family members, including their women and children were mercilessly butchered. Curtains finally came down on an Evil dynasty as foretold by a Clairvoyant Evil Monk.

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