Sunday, January 29, 2023

Last moments of Gandhi and Godse

 History has been the witness to many political assassinations. Leaders of stature like Abraham Lincoln, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr have failed to assassin's bullets after leaving their indelible mark in history. I am reminded by one such assassination on the Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi's killing on 30th January, 1948 by a fanatic named Nathuram Godse. It makes it imperative to narrate certain interesting anecdotes from the last hours of Mahatma's life.

Nathuram Godse and his Accomplice-cum-mentor-in-Chief Narayan Apte (both were hanged together) booked an Air India flight from Bombay to Delhi a fortnight before Gandhi was killed. Two one way tickets (return ticket was not necessary for the nature of their mission) cost them Rs.308, a substantial amount those days when a college professor's salary was Rs. 25 a month.

Air travel was a luxury those days. On  board the aircraft sumptuous meals were served unlike these days when we are served peanuts, often literally. Narayan Apte who had a taste for good food, Whisky and women enjoyed his meal on the flight whereas Godse was busy engrossed reading his book on HINDU RASHTRA (The Hindu Nation). 

Apte started flirting with a comely Air Hostess, managed to make her accept his offer to read her palms, an old skill by men to get closer to women by playing with their curiosity. In the process of holding her palm and predicting her future, Apte persuaded her to meet at a hotel next evening in Delhi for his next stage of dating.

Nathuram Godse was not amused by his companion's flirtatious adventurism. Concerned about their mission bring jeopardized due to his accomplice's lecherous escapades, he reprimanded Narayan Apte, telling the later to abort his rendezvous with his lady friend for the more important mission of killing Mahatma Gandhi. 

The night before the D-day Godse (a Maharastrian Brahmin) and Narayan Apte finished a nice vegetarian dinner, followed by a Rs 5 tip to the waiter (a dream tip those days). Godse was cool as cucumber. But Apte was nervous and went out to watch a movie. Upon returning he found Godse soundly sleeping with his Hindu Rashtra book kept by his head.

At the same time Mahatma Gandhi was asleep after giving finishing touch to his version of Indian Constitution. The all pervading corruption in India, which was hardly prevalent during British Raj had reached an epidemic proportion soon after we got our freedom. Within months of the formation of the first post independence government of Congress party, the corruption started raising its ugly head. 

This development did not go unnoticed to Mahatma Gandhi, who duly noted this in his write up for Constitution. Signs were evident on the ground that this was not the RAM RAJYA (ideal state) he once dreamt about. (I was once a school monitor and my task was to keep a tab on erring classmates, who feared the teachers but never me. Similarly, the British made good use of DANDA or rod to keep the lid close on the can of corruption. Once we got our freedom the worms started pouring out as we were good at obeying the British, the outsides than listening to our own).

Visibly upset by this slow encroaching menace, he mentioned about it to his many visitors. A few minutes before he was assassinated Gandhi spent long time discussing with Sardar Patel, the Home minister at the time, regarding his discomfiture about the corruption in a government which was still at its infancy.

Patel was there for a different reason. He wanted to convey Gandhi about his decision to resign because of his differences with Nehru. Gandhi tried to dissuade him. Serious discussion ensued before the Mahatma realized that he was running late for his evening prayer meeting. A religious man who was religiously punctual, Gandhi was visibly perturbed even if he was running late by 10 minutes only. He instructed Manu and Abha, his lady caretakers to take him to the venue via a short cut route through the garden.

His fate in the form of Nathuram Godse was shadowing him, stealthily lurking towards him. Godse's initial plan was to shoot him during the prayer meeting. But suddenly he saw Gandhi taking a short cut through the garden, walking towards him. For Godse it was a God sent opportunity. His SHIKAR (target) was approaching right in front of him. So, he instantly decided to execute his plan. He lurched forward, as Manu tried to shoo him away saying - "Bapu is already late for his meeting, please meet him after the prayer". 

At that moment Godse was only two steps away from Gandhi. He said NAMASTE (salute) to Gandhijee and bowed. No sooner he got up than he pumped 3 bullets from close range on the hapless man's chest. The frail old man was not expecting to survive 3 bullets. Mission accomplished Godse did not try to flee. He gave himself up. 

Rest we know is history. Godse and Apte were both sentenced to death. Godse showed no remorse when he walked towards the hangman's noose. Narayan Apte, a staunch believer in astrology and palmistry, was convinced till end that his death sentence will be commuted to life as it was written on his hands. 

The last minute reprieve never came. Apte was nervously shaking when he walked towards the gallows. He fell down twice. Curtains fell on his life, as he collapsed when the hood was put on his head. He had to be assisted to complete his last journey, his astrology and palmistry never coming to his rescue. 

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