Sunday, January 22, 2023

Netaji's Birthday

 Today is the Birth Anniversary of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, a man who has earned my deep admiration and lives in the hearts of many more. He was our true NETAJI (Dear Leader), vindicated by the fact that he was the Commander-in-Chief of an entire Army called Azad Hind Fauz (Independent Indian Army) with no tangible military experience. This is not possible without unmatched leadership skills and ability to command respect. A highly motivational and charismatic speaker, he is remembered for his famous speech "GIVE ME BLOOD, I WILL GIVE YOU FREEDOM". Simple yet so profound, it inspired millions and still gives goosebumps. 

He was born in Cuttack, Odisha, my home state back home in India nd studied in Ravensaw Collegiate School where he topped his class in the entire state. A brilliant Netaji continued to top in his academic career, eventually getting the top position in the Indian Civil Service, arguably the most cherished and competitive test in India at the time (now it has lost its luster). He could have easily joined the Civil Services and retired as a Chief Secretary. Yet rather than joining the coveted job due to his reluctance to serve under the British, he chose the tedious path towards the goal of the freedom of his motherland. He escaped India in disguise right under the nose of British travelling ncognito around the globe, living in dense forests and unmarked houses, covering thousands miles under water in submarines and raising an army to fight an enemy. All almost single handedly.

Nazi Germany's tanks blitzkrieged into Poland on 1st of September, 1939 announcing the beginning of World War II. Later that month Subash Bose came to Odisha. As President of Odisha State Congress Pandit Nilakantha Das took Netaji around Cuttack atop an elephant. At night halt both stayed in the same house. During that period Netaji would consult Sri Nilakantha Das, his Man Friday in Odisha before taking any decision during his campaign in Odisha.

Many of his colleagues were trying to persuade Netaji to give speech in Bengali. Nilakantha told him bluntly - "Please give speech in Hindi, English or Odia. Not in Bengali". Subas Bose duly obliged. In Puri BADA DANDA (Broadway) Netaji gave a fiery speech in Hindi, mocking Gandhi "SUTA KAAT KE KYA SWARAJ MILEGA" (isn't it too preposterous to get self rule by making threads out of cotton) ? My grandfather, then in his 20s heard this speech by Netaji and mentioned it in his Diary which I still hold on to like a Precious Jewel. Per him, Netaji was a highly charismatic orator, who beat the speeches of Nehru and Gandhi by miles.

Though Subash Bose gave 200% effort to make India free from the English rule, arguably it was Hitler who was indirectly responsible for India's independence. British won a Pyrrhic victory in the World War II, subsequently lacked manpower and resources required to hold on to their colonies. They had to relinquish most of them including India - their Crown Jewel of British. The superpower who used to takes pride as "Sun never sets over the British Empire" had to reluctantly let go as they were unable to hold the reigns.

But still many believe "BRITISH KARA SUBASH BOSE KU DEKHI PANT RE JHAADA HEI GALA, SEMANE INDIA CHAADI PALEILE (British shat in their pants on the sight of Subash Bose and fled away from India). This is just unwanted bullshit peddled by the Right wing propaganda machine in India who are patriots in name only, laced with fake jingoism and nationalism. They revere Subash Bose but profess everything opposite to his qualities. Subas Bose was a left of the center politician.

These days such depth of patriotism is unfathomable. My thousand salute to the man who unfortunately never got the reward and recognition he duly deserved by the country for which he made the ultimate sacrifice and died in a disputed plane crash in the year 1945, couple of years before India got its freedom.

Now, a tale of two NETAJIs. During pre independence time people fondly addressed Subhas Bose as Netaji. He earned the sobriquet. The term Netaji is very loosely used these days to depict any politician from small timers running for village Satpanch to big fishes. Any KUJI NETA (sundry leader) is a Netaji these days, the more ubiquitous being Mulayam Singh Yadav the UP politician who was addressed as Netaji by his followers. The similarities between Netaji Bose and them end there. In Odia we say KAHI RANI KAHI MEHENTRANI (Where stands the Queen and where stands the Toilet Cleaner). In Hindi they say KAHA RAJA BHOJ AUR KAHA GANGU TELI. Meaning of the proverbs in both languages is quite obvious.

The term NETAJI has been diluted and downgraded beyond repair, regressed over time. Hoping to be proved wrong, our generation may fade away remembering Subhas Bose as the last NETAJI of our time, a la the Royal Bengal tiger, soon to be extinct. Happy 126th  Birthday to the Legend, a real leader and patriot who if didn't die in a disputed air crash, we might have seen a different India.

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