Wednesday, March 20, 2019

God, Gagarin and Pope

Khushwant Singh's who passed away exactly 5 years back was a prolific, passion filled writer (he published his last book in October 2013 at the age of 98). He was also a self proclaimed agnostic who mocked at his own religion. A fearless writer and a journalist who during his long innings didn't spare anyone, not even himself.
Reminded me of a story he mentioned in one of his columns - for decades he was India's most widely read columnist. (PS: I have no intention of entering into a debate about the existence of God. We might have believers, atheists, agnostics in this forum who have every rights to their beliefs).

It goes like this - After coming back to earth from space the Soviet Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was being felicitated by the the Russia leader Krushchev. The later asked the Yuri in private " I think God exists. Did you see Him in space ?" "Yes, I did" replied Gagarin.

After a few days Gagarin met Pope. The pope whispered into his ears " Heart of heart I don't believe God exists. Did you see Him in space ?". Gagarin replied "No, I did not".

Not sure about the validity of this but it speaks volumes. Moral of the story - Belief in God is a relative thing, better left to the individual.

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