Friday, October 7, 2016

Trump is toast with this October surprise

"When you are a Star you can grope women. You can do anything, Grab them by the pu**y. You can do anything" - says Trump in a tape just released by Washington Post (the same newspaper which exposed Watergate Scandal). It comes as a classic October surprise, at the peak of US Presidential campaign, exactly a month before the election.

Trump now dismisses it as locker room banter. But skeletons from locker room cupboards has come back to haunt him, more devastating than the Hurricane Matthew currently pounding south east coast of America.

Most men are known to do some trash talking about women, often exaggerating and boasting about their machismo. But this is not just an isolated braggadocio by Trump in the company his College mates.
It is one his several comments disparaging women as 'fat pigs,' 'dogs,' 'slobs,' and 'disgusting animals'. He once told a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice - it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees.

Does that sound like the temperament of a man to be the president of United States of America, arguably the most powerful position on surface of earth ? Politics is a matter of perception and this image of Trump being obnoxiously disrespectful towards women is going to cost him the Presidency.

Sorry Republicans - your candidate is now toast and it will need a miracle to recover from this point. The party which nominated the likes of Abe Lincoln to Ronald Reagan deserved much better. Hillary can now chose the drapery of White House curtains and her cabinet.

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