Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Lincoln - Douglas debate of 1860

The American Presidential debates can be traced back to more than 150 years ago, to 1860 where Abraham Lincoln of Republican party had his debate with his Democrat opponent Douglas.

The famous verbal duel, also known as Lincoln - Douglas debate was mostly about slavery. Douglas unequivocally supported slavery and famously proclaimed during the debate - I don't consider a negro as my equal.

The audience came to the conclusion that Douglas won the debate. Those days there sans Radio or Television. But by the help of Telegraph and Train, the best available modes of communication in air and ground, the news spread fast. Soon Newspapers declared Douglas as the victor in the debate.

But the strapping 6 feeter and still clean shaven Abraham Lincoln had the last laugh as he went on winning the Presidential election of 1960, witb 59% if the votes.

No sooner than he took as the President of United States, 7 States in the South announced to secede from the Union, laying foundation for the Civil War (1861-65).

Rest we know is history. Ironically the Republican Party, the party of Abe Lincoln who fought against Slavery is represented now by a political buffoon and bigot named Donald Trump. The Democratic party, who supported slavery then is backed now by 90% of Blacks and most of the rest of the minorities.

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