Monday, October 10, 2016

Trump as president is not going to dump Pakistan

It seems many folks back in India are upset with the likely defeat of Trump in the upcoming Presidential election. The reason - in their prism of view, they have construed Trump's anti Muslim rants as his his intention to punish Pakistan, a perennial thorn in the flesh of India.

I am no fan of Hillary. I didn't vote for her twice, both in 2008 and 2016 primaries. But I am sorry, even if Trump makes an unlikely comeback and wins the elections, he will hardly do anything close to satisfy the wish of many back home. Chances are that he could further molly coddle Pakistan at a time US is getting out of Afghanistan.

To all the knowledgeable and not so knowledgeable ones about America - Uncle Sam diligently follows a purely self interest driven foreign policy, principles be damned, whether we like it not. Historically they preach democracy but have no qualms about dealing with sundry dictators from Shah, Marcos, Zia, Musharaf et all.

Post Nuclear deal with Iran, US has signed a $25 Billion Boeing deal with its perennial bette noire. It's the best recent example hoe Uncle Sam is ready to break bread with someone its declared terrorist state for preservation of its self interest.

The other erroneous perception is Republican Presidents are more friendly towards India and less towards Pakistan here is some statistics to chew on :

1. Dwight Eisenhower totally embraced Pakistan at the cost of India.
2. Richard Nixon sent 7th fleet to India during 1971 war and referred to Indira Gandhi as that bi**ch.
3. Ronald Reagan armed Zia's Pakistan to teeth caring a damn about India.
4. George Bush Sr hardly cared about India. His son preferred Musharaf after 9/11, though India offered blank check of help to US.
All the above are Republicans.

So, I have no reason to believe that Trump will be anything different from his predecessors. Business wise India is not China, Japan or EU. Neither strategically it is Syria, Middle East, North Korea or Afghanistan, especially the later where US acknowledges Pakistan being a central factor. Hence don't presume an cataclysmic shift in American position as far as Indo-Pak relationship goes.

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