Monday, October 31, 2016

An Authentic Halloween Story - the Confederate Cellophane lover

This is not one of those traditional ghost stories. I would never have shared this incident, unless it was recorded and reported by the researchers of US Paranormal activities. This one took place in Olustee State Park in Florida.

An Annual Civil War Ball was held in the state park, where a major Civil War battle was fought in the early 1860s, between the Northern Union Army and the Southern Confederates. It attracts Paranormal activity folks who have captured Orbs and Ribbons of light on digital cameras. Unusual Floating orbs have appeared on video recordings in that park.

While enacting mock battle, one enactor recalled getting an eerie feeling, hearing a voice repeating "Have you seen the elephant" - a Civil War euphemism for experiencing combat.

Another enactor strayed deep into the park and saw this guy decked in old "Confederate" garb. This skinny, ragged, tired looking guy was barefoot, sitting next to a tree in a sparsely vegetated area.

This unusual looking man walked to this enactor, addressing him "Howdy" in a strange, croaky voice - Do you have a "chaw", a slang for chewing tobacco. The reenactor pulled a strip of chewing tobacco out of his pocket and handed over to this strange looking person, whom he thought as another fellow enactor.

The guy unwrapped it and popped the tobacco into his mouth, as he held the cellophane up in the air and looked through it. He studied it a bit and asked, "What's this made of ?"

The reenactor replied, "It's cellophane", thinking this stranger is poking fun at him. He again asked, if he can keep the cellophane. The reenactor nodded and continued his trail.

Moments later, when he turned back to wave goodbye to the stranger, the later simply vanished. That area was flat land with sparse shrubs, typical of marshy Florida. The lone tree standing was too short and too thin to block the view. No human could have vanished too fast, too soon.

The reenactor now walked faster, panting and puffing, never bothering to look back. He soon narrated his experience to others. Neither he, nor any one from rest of the enactors saw anyone matching such description.

After reaching home, the reenactor looked up information on cellophane and learned that it wasn't invented until year 1908. The American Civil War took place a good 50 years back. It explained the stranger giving a strange look at the cellophane wrap and kept it as a time warped souvenir.

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