Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Zika virus arrives in United States

Welcomed to United States, Zika Virus. The first reported case of the Zika virus contracted in the USA has been found in Dallas County, Texas. This virus is already causing havoc in Brazil through out their summer (it's now summer in southern hemisphere). Transmitted by a variety of mosquito called Aedes Ayegypti, it has dented the prospects of Rio Olympics.
Fortunately it's now winter in the United States. Mosquitoes are the most resilient species on earth, who can survive the coldest of coldest winters in Alaska and Minnesota. Another cousin of the tropical mosquito Aedes, called Aedes albopictus lives in America and is said to be capable to carry the virus. So the impact of Zika in United States can only be assessed this summer.
On the other hand, in India, the mosquito Aedes Ayegypti, as a part of it's last name AYEGY, which means "will arrive" in Hindi  indicates, is perfectly capable to courier Zika from person to person. This mosquito already exists in India, carrying the dreaded Dengue. The fact that it won't mind the additional task being the courier for its cousin Zika, is something we can least afford back home.
With a high population and still striving for a SWACHH BHARAT (clean India) the virus can spread very quickly and widely. It's a small world, so with tourists abound from Brazil and Caribbean, it's time the the authority smells the coffee and wakes up.

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