Tuesday, February 16, 2016

JNU Issue and Sickularism

From what I get from our media back home about the JNU issue, it's now politicized beyond redemption. The famous or infamous University, depending the way you see it, now resembles a war zone. And as always, truth is the first casualty in a war.

I have visited the JNU Campus in 1990s and had eaten couple of times in their hostel mess (no relation to the mess happening there, the food court of college hostels are called mess in the local parlance). The food quality was substandard by hostel standard, hardly close to my Engineering college mess. But what I heard from my host, the food was subsidized, quality be damned.

I could see signs of leftist ideology, with some hardcore socialist leaders, who during the day preached communism to core, as the solution to all global evils. Come evening, they would hanker for Scotch or Bacardi (much sought after those days, so as I, as a visitor with access to those fascinating phoren stuff from the land of Bourgeois). Later they would go out eating Ice Cream with girl friends in posh eateries of South Delhi. The juxtaposition of Communism with Scotch, followed by Ice Cream, reeked of hypocrisy, as nauseating as an alcoholic's Piarrhoea effusing mouth.

Since then, much has changed, but not the commie sentiments indide Campus.  Liberal thoughts still flow inside the institute as the river Yamuna in spate during the  monsoon. Liberalism is not a dirty word, though I diagree with the brand. But a note to the ultra liberals of JNU breed - Being Liberal or anti-BJP is one thing, being anti-national is another.

We can agree to disagree with American liberals, but they don't compromise when it comes to their national security. Best example is Obama, a Chicago liberal, who had no qualms about taking out Osama bin Laden or ordering drone strikes on terrorists. (Our Diggy Singh was the soul prominent politician in South Asia to shed a few crocodile tears for his Osama Jee). Scores of liberal Democrat Senate and House members broke with Obama and voted with Republicans in preventing him from vetoing the bill to bring in 10000 Syrian refusees. On the other hand our liberals back home sound like blatant Paki Premis (lovers).

Vote bank politics and catering to their base is not just unique to India. In my state of Georgia, 90% of the minorities who form 35% of the total electorates, vote for Democrats. Whites on other hand, who form roughly 65% of total population, are not divided on the lines of English Whites, Irish Whites or German Whites. Almost 90% of the whites vote Republican, enough to hand Republicans a comfortable victory. And yes, they all speak one language - English.

Yet in India, though 80% plus population is Hindu, they are deeply divided in the lines of  castes, subcastes, languages, dialects and what not. It's best exemplified in the last elections in Bihar, where a caste divided, fractured Hindu vote enabled Laloo Yadav to come out of political oblivion.

So do the likes of Laloo, Mulayam to the Congies and Kejri really care for the  minorities ? I dont think so. They just salivate after their Votes for political purposes. I am sure, if the Hindus start voting enblock, these so called champions of minorities will show their true colors by changing their allegiance. The current drama in JNU is just a piece of political puzzle, an effort to grab a piece of political pie, nothing else.

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