Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Cold virus has gone viral at home

Cold virus has gone viral in my house. Sidhant brought it from School as free gift for his  parents. Common cold has no cure, can be as irritating as it gets. One gotta bear it for 3-7 days, depending on its severity and your immunity. Plenty of fluids and rest can alleviate it, but hardly cures it.

I prefer gargling warm water with a pinch of salt, a much better natural alternative to antibiotics in curing sore throat. The ginger-black pepper laced tea feels a whole lot therapeutic. So also hot, spicy food, especially the hot Thai chicken soup which tastes titillating to my numb taste bud, as it washes down the food soothing my irritated throat.

Slow chewing of honey coated ginger feels great, so also sipping warm, turmeric laced milk. Our Desi (country) herbs and spices act as wonderful natural remedy for common cold, with zero side effects.

It's always a battle between the body and the bacteria (virus rather), until the former wins over the later. No wonder, the cure for common cold is as uncommon as common sense. But remember, If you take medicine it will last for 7 days, if you don't take medicine it will last a week.

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