Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Happy birthday Utkalamani

Today is the birthday of Gopabandhu Das, an Odia Patriot, freedom fighter, social worker, reformer and writer - all blended into one like finest of blended Scotch Whiskies. He is also fondly referred by the masses as UTKALAMANI or "The Jewel of Odisha", a title well earned. He was one of the first visionaries of modern Odisha, a pioneer of out of box thinking.

Gopabandhu Das was born on October 9, 1877, in the village of SUANDO in Puri district of Odisha, a walkable distance from my ancestral village. From his early childhood he was sharp in academics and like most went to Puri, the closest township from a cluster of neighborhood villages to do his higher studies.

Higher education enlightened him to fight social evils and dogmas. He fought against couple of scourges of the time, the diseases of Casteism and Cholera, one social and the other one pandemic in nature. Though a Brahmin he changed his last name from "Dash" from "Das" to protest against the rigid casteism prevelant at the time. He was in favor of woman empowerment, widow remarriage, mass education and was staunchly opposed to Child marriage, leaving no stone unturned in his efforts.

Hordes of people used to die in flood, followed by communicable diseases like Cholera (my grandfather has seen in his own eyes his entire family of 10 from his cousin's side in our village wiped out by cholera in matter of a week). Cholera patients were treated as pariah those days. Nobody would dare come closer to a Cholera patient, locally called as "BADI MADAA" (A Cholera corpse) fearing contamination as the dogs during the day and Jackals in night would feast on the abandoned corpses. It was Cholera not Condom which kept the population under control those days.

Gopabandhu and his friends, primarily Nilakantha Das's tryst with the lethal disease hardened their resolve to fight it. Encountering it from close quarters helped them overcome the fear of the disease. They did something unthinkable at that time - take the Cholera Bull by its horn. Getting close and taking care those infected with this marauding disease, from administering them medicines to doing their last rights, for no one would dare to touch a person cursed by "BAADI THAKURANI" (The Goddess of Cholera) - without ever bothering about getting contaminated. Little did they knew that Cholera was a water borne disease.

Gopabandhu used to travel to remotest of the places to supply relief materials and medicine to the impacted folks. He also foresaw the power of media and was the founder of a popular Odia Daily The SAMAJA (Society), which is still in print. In 1908 he formed the "Young Utkal Association" - an organization which strived for philanthropy and fighting the social evils of the time.

In 1924 Gopabandhu Das got out of jail where he was put by the British for protesting their occupation. He got a heroic welcome from public and was immediately received by P. C. Ray at the Provincial Congress Conference in Town Hall of Cuttack, where the later proudly made an announcement, declararing Gopabandhu Das as "UTKALA MANI" or The Jewel of Odisha. This title has stuck to him till this day.

Pandit Gopabandhu Das, was fond of fish. He has expressed his fetish for prawn which was plentiful those days -



"Hey, why the prawn is not seen in menu,
What'll make us snore in the afternoon ?"

Due to lack of refrigeration facilities as well as demand for export, freshly caught Tiger Prawns (Shrimps) caught from the Bay of Bengal coast were sold cheaply by the fishermen at dime a dozen before the heat and humidity of Puri spoiled them. Locals feasted on them until the arrival of storage facilities and demand for their export gradually made them a lucrative, luxurious and costly item for the locals.

Pandit Nilakantha Das, a close friend and confidante of Pandit Gopabandhu Das has devoted an entire chapter in his autobiography clearing the aura of "BHAKTIKA MITHYA" or devotional lies attributed to UTKALAMANI. Sri Lingaraj Mishra wrote this sometime in the 1950s without fact check, when a statue of Utkalamani was inagurated in Cuttack - "When Gopabandhu's only son was laying on death bed in 1904, he got the news about the devastating floods in Odisha. Bidding adieu to his son at his bedside, Gopabandhu said - "so many sons of my country are perishing. I have to serve them, even if I have to leave my son on his death bed", before proceeding to flood impacted areas. Then poet Radhamohan Gadanayak wrote a long poem eulogizing Gopabandhu on this.

No question about Utkalamani's unflinching commitment and dedication towards social service, but this was simply a devotional lie spread by his BHAKTs (devotees). Nilakantha Das kept the records straight on this by providing detailed facts with timelines. Lingaraj Mishra who wrote this popular anecdote didn't know Gopabandhu until 1921. Utkalamani was never involved in serving people in flood or draught affected areas until the year 1908 when he formed the "Young Utkal Association". It was good 4 years after 1904 when the claim of him abandoning his sick son to serve the calamity stricken people was made.

As per Pandit Nilakantha Das who knew Gopabandhu from close quarters - Utkalamani was not a stoic person, rather he had a soft, caring heart. Sri Nilakantha had seen in his own eyes, in presence of Late Sadashiv Mishra (a famed teacher in Puri Zilla School) the death of Gopabandhu's infant son in the arms of his wife in an era when infant mortality rate was very high. Needless to say, the parents were inconsolable. He was his only son and there was no flood during that time.

Another devotional lie was after his son's death and before the great flood of 1908 Gopabandhu became a saffron clad Sanyasi (yogi) roaming across nation. That was also nowhere close to truth. Had these facts were not disclosed by Sri Nilakantha Das, these urban legends would never have been debunked and turned to gospels.

Ironically the man who worked fearlessly amongst the Cholera patients shunned by the public, died of another waterborne disease - Typhoid. In 1928 Gopabandhu went to Calcutta to address a labor conference and likely contracted there the disease from which he could never recover. Apprehending his death, Utkalamani summoned Nilakantha Das and others close to him, instructing them to write his final will. "I am dictating my last will and testament", he said this as Dr. Radhanath Rath wrote it in front of teary eyed onlookers. After giving instructions to donate the Samaj printing press to "Bharat Sevak Samaj", he passed away.

Next day was the eve of the auspucious Sri GUNDICHA Rath Yatra. Gopabandhu's dead body was taken around Satyavadi, where he dedicated most of his life in the service to mankind. Droves of mourning people massed around the funeral pyre as his remains were consigned to flame. It was end of an era, a chapter in the history of Odisha came to close. That days was June 17, 1928.

Being independent minded, Pandit Gopabandhu fought against the contemporary British rule, advocating SWARAAJ or self rule. He was promptly arrested and put in jail. While is jail, he wrote in Odia BANDIRA ATMA KATHA (The autobiography of a Prisoner), a stanza from which I still remember. goes as follows.


Roughly transliterated...

"Let my body blend in this county's track,
Let My country men walk on my back.
On the path of self rule lies potholes,
Let it get filled with my flesh, bones." 

Mortal man, whose immortal memories is going to inspire all for generations to come. My thousands salute to the free thinker and beacon of the future on his 147th Birthday.

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