Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Happy Diwali 2024

 It is interesting to note that Halloween in US and Diwali, the Festival of Lights in India come around the same time in year. This year it's unique, for both Diwali and Halloween happen to be exactly on the same day. Both occasions involve respecting the dead in their respective ways. However, there is a difference. Diwali indicates the culmination of the festival season in India, whereas Halloween is the harbinger of the festive season in America, with Thanksgiving, Christmas holidays to follow towards the end of November and December.

Halloween is invariably on the 31st of October as Westerners follow the Gregorian Calendar. The date of Diwali which follows the Hindu Lunar Calendar falls on a New Moon Day, comes very close its American counterpart of Halloween every year. This year Diwali is on October 31 per Gregorian Calendar.

In Odisha we call it DEEPABALI, but the genX has already switched to the more fancied and eye catching "Diwaali". Traditionally earthen lamps are lit and KAUNRI KATHI (a thin, white capillary stick which is empty inside) is burnt to wish salvation to the departed souls. The culture of incessant bursting of loud, noisy crackers (fireworks) is an outside import along with the fireworks manufactured in Sivalakshi, Tamil Nadu or imported from China these days. This deviation in culture started as an urban phenomenon in Odisha, now well permeated into its villages.

Though an important festival in Odisha, unlike Diwali being the major festival in India, especially in the North and West, Deepabali is more like another important festival, because the preceding Durga Puja and Raja festival during the early monsoon steal more limelight. But invasion of North Indian culture along with Hindi when sister now a days is preferred to be addressed as a "Didi" rather than a "Naani or Apaa", thanks to the all pervading Ekta Kapoor's TV serials, Deepabali is slowly paving it's way to Diwaali in Odisha.

Not sure if many remember the traditional Odia way of celebrating Deepabali is to invite the deceased forefathers with shouting at their top of their voice - 

"ବଡ଼ ବଡ଼ୁଆ ହୋ ! ଅନ୍ଧାରରେ ଆସି ଆଲୁଅରେ ଯାଅ । ଗଙ୍ଗା ଯାଅ, ଗୟା ଯାଅ, କାଶୀ ଯାଅ, ପୁରୁଷୋତ୍ତମରେ ମହାପ୍ରସାଦ ଖାଇ ବାଇଶି ପାହାଚେ ଗଡ଼ଗଡ଼ଉ ଥାଅ ।" 

Roughly transliterated...

O' our beloved departed Souls, 
Come in the dark but depart in light.
Travel to Ganga, Gaya and Kashi,
After eating the sacred offerings in Puri,
Roll over the 22 steps of Lord's abode).

The new moon night symbolizes arrival of the departed souls in darkness. By lighting lamps we invite them to lighten up with festivities and leave darkness behind. Our Odia legends Fakir Mohan Senapati, Madhu Babu, Gourishankar Ray, the Pandit duo Gopabandhu and Nilakantha Das et all who worked tirelessly to secure the Odia language must be groping in the dark, shedding tears to see their mother tongue getting ravaged by cultural onslaught from the North. Let's light a few lamps to the salvation of our forgotten heroes and enlighten the GenX.

On the other hand Halloween is a custom of the Western world, much prevalent in America who succinctly protect this tradition from dilution by drivels in any form of outside influence. Homes and front yards are decorated for Ghosts and Ghouls. Kids and adults alike wear fancy and funny outfits, especially the former roam outdoor from door to door asking for "Trick or Treat".

More often the "Treat" of candies is provided to the kids, rather than any "Trick" by the homeowners. Once I tried my own trick to impress a bunch of kids doing a Ghost dance, shaking my 6 packs of fat, which ultimately made the kids flee for their lives. That was the best ghoulish trick they probably ever got.

Since then I have stuck to treating them with Candies. An estimated $10 billion worth of candy is consumed in America during the Halloween. A lot of it wasted, going down the drain, eaten by teeth bacteria and ending up benefiting the Dentists.

Happy "ଦିପାବଳୀ ଶୁଭେଚ୍ଛା, Dipabali, Diwaali" to my friends and family. Stay safe and enjoy the occasion.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

A week away from US Presidential Election 2024

Exactly a week remains before the Election day in America on Tuesday, November 5. Harold Wilson, the British Prime Minister once said that a week is a long time in politics. Anything can happen between now and November 5 to decisively move this race one way or other. The race is still tight, as Comedian Bill Maher said - "the race is tighter than Trump's ass in a federal prison". 

A month ago it was looking like Harris has wrapped up this election and sealed the deal, especially after Trump's poor performance in the debate with her. Since then a lot of water has flown under the bridge of Chattahoochee river. The gap between them has considerably narrowed, the momentum now with Donald Trump. If the Election is held tomorrow, Trump is probably winning. 

Why this is happening ? What has happened in between for Trump to close the gap and  Harris can't close the deal ? Well, Kamala Harris has a messaging problem. If she can come out as genuine and not look like a stereotype politician, she would have a chance. Politicians like Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama were natural communicators. I think it is now a case of too little, too late to build that image. She blew up that post debate advantage she had. It is now her Election to lose. If Trump wins, it will be a blow to the traditional American politics for the following couple of reasons. 

1. Previously the Presidential debates matter to swing the election one way or other. In 1980 Reagan came out better against the incumbent Jimmy Carter in the debate which turned the tide for him. In 1992 Bill Clinton turned the table by defeating George Bush senior and comfortably won the Election. Nowadays debates don't matter in an overtly divided country where voters have already made up their mind. 

2. The old theory of Republicans being friendly towards the rich, democrats standing for the Working middle class is gone. Now Democrats are perceived as a party of the woke, college educated, privilege class elites. Trumpians (not traditional Republicans) see him as the fighter of non college White Working class. This explains why democrat strongholds, the blue wall of the rust belt of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin are shoes signs of cracking. Even many Labor Union members, young male Blacks and Hispanics are leaning Republican. 

At the same time Trump, a New York real estate sellsman who is good at making hyperbolic statements has been able to connect to the White non college working class like no politician has. They think Trump is answer to their woes. Whether Trump will REALLY drive all illegal immigrants out of America or bring back jobs to America, your guess is as good as mine. 

Interestingly, Democrats have more money this time and are outspending Republicans. They also have a well entrenched system to play the ground game by poking the undecided, independent voters urging them to go and vote. Ground game is very important when results in the crucial swing states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania is going to be decided by razor this margin, in a margin of few thousands from a million of votes cast. It's going to be a long night on Tuesday, November 5.  But one thing I can predict with certainty - if Kamala Harris wins this, Trump is again going to be her opponent in 2028, as I am sure he will get GOP nomination hands down. So tighten your belts and get ready for a roller coaster ride.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

RIP Dinabandhu Mausa

He was our neighbor in BJB Flats in Bhubaneswar, my hometown back home where my father was quartered from 1976 to 1991, and I spent the bulk of my childhood and early part of youth. He is Dinabandhu Rath Mausa, my father's friend and colleague who used to teach English in BJB College.

Just before my Plus 2 Higher Secondary Examination my dad requested Dinabandhu Mausa to guide me in English, especially the English poetry which I neglected. Earlier I had tried my hand in poetry, but miserably failed in it, athough I was a voracious reader of English prose, literature, books and sundry magazines. Not that I was disinterested in English, but I focused more on Math and Science subjects so that I could get into IIT or REC, the two most sought after Institutions those days to get into for graduate studies. Qualifying for these institutions attempted by 99.99% undergrads those days was a matter of prestige. If you failed to crack IIT or REC JEE (Joint Engineering Entrance) after successive attempts, you were considered a PENA (Nincompoop) or DHAIN (an Odia word for Asthmatic person gasping for breath, often used as a slang to denote an useless, good for nothing guy). 

I certainly had no intention of ending up as a PENA or DHAIN, yet I went to Dinababdhu Mausa's home not to dissapoint my father. It paid its dividends. Mausa taught me that English poetry is not read, rather it has to be felt, along with few tricks of writing and I grasped it like sponge to water. Under his tutelage, I could understand the depth of the poems of my favorite duo John Keats and Percy Bysshe Shelly, especially Shelly the eccentric genius who died from a freak drowning accident in the sea, his poem "Ozymandias" is arguably one of the best I read. I also started liking the works of John Donne, Wordsworth, Elliot, Frost and was surprised to find a poet in Shakespeare.

Dinababdhu Mausa gave me assignments to write critical appreciation of poems. I found my writing very ordinary and expected a bad feedback from him, afraid to ask him. One fine evening my father came home - "Just spoke to Dinababdhu Babu. He told me, your son has a flair for writing in English and better suited for humanity stream. He needs no direction and good to go as far as scoring good marks in English subjects in his Higher Secondary Examination go".

My mother was an expert cook. Dinababdhu Mausa loved the Puri style cooked "MACHHA BESARA" (scrambled fish) prepared by my mom. Mausa got married in the summer of 1986. He threw a big reception at the OTDC Pantha Nivas, a stone's throw from BJB Flats where we used to live. I remember me savoring several helpings of "Quality" brand Ice Cream - a luxury those days. While studying Engineering in REC (now NIT) Rourkela, I used to come home during the Holidays and often met Dinabandhu Mausa, our neighbor. He always motivated me - "Hope you are still writing. You have a knack for story telling. Don't lose your flair in writing. Keep it up".

We left BJB Flats in 1991 and shifted to our own house constructed by my father. In 1998 I visited Mausa to invite him for my marriage. His long hairs had long gone (we used to call him Shakespeare Sir for his long, flowing hair which made him resemble the legendary English playwright). Then I lost contacts with him until I reestablished contact a few years ago on Facebook. He asked me to find a suitable girl for his son Rutwik who is in USA. I replied - "Mausa, your son is good looking and qualified. It shouldn't be difficult for him to find a life partner. These days young men and women prefer to look for partner by themselves". Mausa said - "You are so correct. I wish he finds someone soon. The boy is getting old". It was so sad to see a gentleman leave this world too soon. May God give strength to his children Rutwik and Olivia to overcome the grief. Om 🕉 Shanti.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

A tale of two MUNDAs

 At peak of the currently ongoing Presidential campaign in USA, I remembered this incident exactly 8 years back when Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were in their final throes of political slugfest. On one fine morning of a Fall day of 2016, I took my car to the same mechanic I have been seeing over several years. A huge Trump supporter and a staunch Republican, he had already made up his mind. At the same time, he was still nervous about his candidate Trump victory, the same way the Democrats are now about a Kamala Harris win.

"This tainted bi*ch (referring to Hillary Clinton) is going to destroy our great nation built by our founding fathers. Along with her philandering husband Bill Clinton, the duo are going to convert the sacrosanct White House into a Whore House", he lamented. Though I wasn't a big fan of Hillary and disagreed with some of her policies, I wouldn't get personal and call her a b*tch. But I liked her husband Bill Clinton who in my opinion was a good President during whose tenure the American economy was booming in his 8 years of Presidency and he was the last President who saw a budget surplus.

I told my car mechanic to look back into history and the days of JFK as the President of the United States. Jack Kennedy was a Casanova of his time and his affairs included Interns inside the White House and females outside it. "Do you know JFK once surprised his Brtish counterpart Harold McMillan by telling the later - "If I don't have sex everyday, I get headache". "Oh, Is it so. I didn't know that"- my car mechanic buddy burst into laughter, as he took a drag from his Marlboro, complimenting me with his Southern drawl "Awhh Myaan, you seem to know a hell lotta stuff about America than me".

Shaking his head, he replied - "See the hypocrisy here ! The liberal media ain't say nothing about the Kennedys, or Bill Clinton but they are after Trump's ass". But he acknowledged, "Kennedys, though Democrats were Patriots who loved our country and fought for it. This Son of a Gun Bill Clinton is a draft dodger predator and pedophile. (Son of a Gun is the accolade reserved for the progeny of pleasure ladies who used to accompany Sailors during their long shipping sojourns during Medieval times). He added - "Can't fault the Kennedy brothers as their dad Joseph Kennedy was a notorious womanizer and his sons inherited their father's legacy." I wanted to say Trump was a draft dodger and a notorious womanizer too, but preferred to remain silent.

Never knew that womanizing is part of genes and passed on as inheritance. But he did have a point. We humans are champion hypocrites, always lenient towards the celebrities we worship, turning blind eyes towards their shortcomings, pushing them under the carpet. At same time, we lose no opportunity to chide and mock at others whom we don't like if they do exactly the same. Kennedys were after all the Camelot family, no less than Royalty, a cult figure whom the Americans still adore.

It reminded me of Aparti, the coconut plucker from our Brahmin dominated Susan village near Puri, who tilled our paddy fields. A staunch supporter of the Congress party those days, he believed Indira Gandhi always fought for poor. In between tying a rope knot around his legs and waist before climbing the tall coconut trees, he would take long drags from his BIDI (thin cigars of raw tobacco popular in India) while extolling the pro-poor virtues of Indira Congress. No matter what I say, not withstanding any visible change in his economic status, he had unflinching loyalty to the "Hand" symbol of the Congress party and Indira Gandhi.

It is another matter that until 1991, with Gandhis at helm, India was bracketed with sub-Saharan Africa in povery. It took a non-Gandhi to rescue India from the economic doldrums by opening up its economy with liberalization, which since has moved tend of millions of Indians out of poverty.

Aparti (also addressed as Apartia) has never driven anything beyond his dusty bicycle, with a hanging, perforated leather seat, its two wheels with multiple patches on the cycle tyres barely able to hold enough air, the tube almost touching the ground. My auto mechanic drives a swanky Chavy Trailblazer with Michellin tires glistening under a bright Fall sun.

The best brand Apartia ever smoked in his life is New Odisha BIDI. My mechanic friend intermittently pops up a Marboro from his pocket and takes drags and puffs out smoke and frustration with these liberal Democrats who are hell bent on snatching away his gun rights and freedom.

Reiterating again what I opined earlier - it's the saga of two MUNDAs (an Odia diatribe towards folks with diehard, unflinching views). Both Aparti back home in India and my car mechanic in US, are common people separated by two worlds on the opposite sides globe. One illiterate and poor riding a decrepit bicycle, the other literate and economically much better off driving a SUV - yet both with unwavering loyalty to their political parties, MUNDAs nevertheless.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Ides of October

It is the ides of October. This month is known to have its share of history of turbulence - from the famous October revolution in Russia in 1917, to the epic Wall Street crashes in 1929, 1987 and 2008 happening in the same month. Last October Hamas, Israel's bête noire, launched massive terror attacks in Gaza from land, sea and air, killing hundreds and taking scores of women and children as hostage. Israel's response since has been swift. Since last October the nation has retaliated forcefully. This imbroglio has put the Middle East into crisis mode once again. And month of October isn't done yet. 

I am reminded of the famous cat eating bird story, one of the episodes from the epic Indian short story collection of "PANCHA TANTRA" (The Five Treatises). A bird was trying to make cat see sense with reasoning, proselytizing it to follow a peaceful, pious path. The cat feigned listening to the story in rapt attention. No sooner it got closer to the bird, than the cat jumped on it, killed and ate the bird. Moral of the story - Don't try to inculcate empathy, sense and righteousness into those who are unreceptive to such message. It is not only futile, it can backfire big time. No wonder, scores from a music festival in the quest peace, including one pro-peace American academic in Israel was amongst those killed in the Hamas attack. So much to senseless wokeism. Israel has forcefully responded back, civilians as usual being the collateral damage.

Terrorists are terrorists - regardless of their religion, caste, creed or color. No matter what, shooting unarmed people in a music festival, taking women and children into captivity is a crime. Period. Also it was a rare but major intelligence failure of Israel's famed secret services Mossad which otherwise has many spectacular successes under its belt. Israel has been striking back pretty hard. They aren't paper tigers soiled in unrealist belligerence and soaked in fake jingoism. It responses in kind to any attack on its interest without any hesitation. I can foresee Israel doing more harsh things in Gaza as United States has already extended it its blank support to the Jewish state. The elusive ceasefire is no where in sight.

America's support to Israel is nothing new and perpetually unwavering. In the year 1948, when the state of Israel was formed, Harry Truman, a Democrat and the President of the United States at the time, immediately recognized it risking an Arab backlash. Since then US has unequivocally backed Israel. Apart from perfunctory American aids and grants, Israel invariably gets the latest arms, ammunition and equipments from Uncle Sam. Whenever there is a resolution against Israel in Security Council, the nation gets the blanket support from the United States. You may very well say that Israel is the undeclared 51st state of the United States. More jews live in USA than Israel and are known to be traditionally rich and influential. 

United Nations (UN), an useless bloated bureaucracy whose Birthday incidentally is today, October the 24th, has urged restraint and peace from both sides. As if Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and Israel care a hoot about its appeal ! In June 1981 when the Israeli F-16s bombarded Baghdad to permanently end Saddam Hussain's nuclear ambition, Menachem Begin, Israeli Prime Minister at that time was condemned by the United Nations. US promptly vetoed the resolution. I am now reminded of a cartoon by the eminent cartoonist R.K. Laxman on  newspaper "Times of India" depicting the UN Secretary General admonishing a defiant Menachem Begin, the Israeli Prime Minister - "If you attack again, you will be condemned more severely". 

Meanwhile, India has opted to extend its support to Israel and a Palestinian state, though it has denounced Hamas's action as terror. Whereas China, a country Israel holds in much higher esteem due to its business interests has urged calm. This symbolizes that Foreign policy doesn't run on raw emotions, but rather on pragmatism and harsh realities where protection of self interest based realpolitic rules the roost. This latest crisis shouldn't be viewed in simplicistic prism of another religion conflict. Middle East situation is much more complex. 

I have seen a few Right wing supporters in India who never held a gun in their life, volunteering themselves to fight for Israel. Relax folks. It is fine to extend your moral support, but it is a different thing to fight an actual war. Israel can take care of itself and doesn't need any unsolicited, untrained mercenaries. No wonder China, which puts religion into back burner before its national security has urged restraint without taking any sides. Let our government's foreign policy do the whatever is appropriate in the interest of our country. Whatsapp University graduates, fighting wars is not your forte. Please stay away from this.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Hurricane Dana approaching Odisha

 Touched by Bay Of Bengal on its Eastern frontier, Odisha, my state back home in India is prone to Cyclones (counterpart of Hurricanes in North America) which come churning their way through Indian Ocean before making landfall anywhere on the vast Eastern Coromondel Coast.

It took my memory back to this day in the month of October, 1999 exactly 24 years ago when arguably the worst cyclone of my lifetime to hit Odisha in the form of Category 5 winds more than 150 miles per hour (250 kmph) knocking down trees, houses, killing humans and livestocks in several thousands. 

Caught pants down, the inept and corrupt administration in Odisha was unprepared for such an eventuality. It was completely caught by surprise, like a fox in front of searchlight - stunned, stoned and clueless. By the time the hapless authority could recover and gather strength and resources to launch some semblance of relief and rescue operation, the damage was already done in terms of life, property and reputation.

On that day in America, I was travelling on a new Consulting assignment to the state of Arkansas and just arrived at my hotel when my sister called from Chicago and blasted me in one breath conveying the bad news from home. I rang up my father in Bhubaneswar expecting my call not to go through. It was a pleasant surprised to hear his voice at the other end, as our home phone was back working less than 24 hours after the storm. I was glad my folks were safe and sound, sans couple of fallen Papaya trees in our backyard and lot of coconut branches on ground.

There was no smartphone or Wifi those days. Face and book were two separate words - juxtaposing them into one entity was strictly fantasy. My hotel lobby had a few computers where I promptly logged into internet via now defunct AOL (America Online). There was a handful of Odia websites those days, but they were yet to carry any news of damage. Probably they were not in a position to carry news due to the power outage. Only a few web editions of national  newspapers provided some glimpse of the horrendous loss of life and property.

The picture got clearer after couple of days, as the weather cleared up. National media carried clear pictures of bloated corpses of humans and livestock floating in swamps created by retreating sea water, flies swarming around. Stuck in the debris, there were no dogs, only jackals, crows or vultures left to feed on them. The sight was gross and ghastly, still etched in my memory.

It was rumored that Giridhari Gomango, the Chief Minister of Odisha (equivalent of a Governor in US) at that time ignored the warning about Cyclone based on the advice of his personal Astrologers who sooth-sayed him with confidence not to worry, as the the Cyclone would skip his state. But Odisha took the brunt of the Super Cyclone hitting the heart of Odisha with full force. Gomango took the brunt of widespread criticism on the aftermath of devastation and was subseqently forced out of his job. 

The powerful and disgruntled Congress leader JB Patnaik, the man Gomango replaced not long ago supposedly played some deliberate politics to accentuate the later's removal. Previously in power for 14 years he activated his widespread contacts and sleeper cells inside the all powerful Bureaucracy calling shots in Odisha to indulge in tardy distribution of relief materials, causing further damage to the reputation of CM Gomango who was unceremoniously removed. 

Since then things have changed a lot over the last two decades. Lessons were learnt from the mistake of 1999. The subsequent administrations led by the then Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik have done a commendable job in disaster management. In meantime technology has grown leaps and bound. Modern day satellites are able to accurately predict the path of Cyclones. Time being the essence, prior anticipation and tracking of this behemoth single eyed monster has led to evacuation of public en masse, drastically reducing the casualty. When the ferocious Fani hit the Odisha shore in 2019, nearly a million were evacuated to Cyclone shelters. Though damages to property was extensive but valuable human lives were saved.

What hasn't changed is the corruption in the post cyclone relief distribution which may have gone from bad to worse. As my friend, young man Pravat Pruseth questioned - ୧୯୯୯ ମହାବାତ୍ୟାରେ ଆମେରିକା ସରକାର ପଠେଇ ଥିବା ପାଞ୍ଚ ହଜାର ଟଙ୍କା ମୂଲ୍ଯର ଗୋଟିଏ ଗୋଟିଏ କମ୍ବଳ  ଫାଇଭ ଷ୍ଟାର ହୋଟେଲ ଗୁଡିକରେ ପହଞ୍ଚିଲା କେମିତି ? (How come the blankets sent by the US government during super Cyclone 1999 manage to reach the 5 Star Hotels) ? There were talks of some of the high quality tarpolenes donated from America to act as shelter cover ended up covering the cars of the BADA BADIA (Big Shots) in Bhubaneswar. The relief somehow manages to reach the greedy, not the needy. 

In this context, it is not unusual for another Cyclone named Dana is going to hit Odisha in less than 2 days from now at this peak hurricane season in Bay of Bengal. But the prediction is for around 100 kmph of wind speed, which should not be bad too bad, considering a lot of guardrails and safety measures in place. 

Apart from the ubiquitous improvement in preparedness the following factors have helped in facing the Cyclone menace over the years.

1. Because of the advance technology and satellite imagery the authorities are informed well in advance to plan the evacuations ahead.

2. Due to improvement in economy, number of concrete houses have gone up to replaced the predominantly thatched, mud hits in villages. Concrete houses can withstand strongest of the stronger wind.

3. No of media, social or otherwise has gone up. Though they have gone hyperactive for their own TRP and other benefits, indirectly it acts an antidote to complacency, keeping the public on their toe. It comes as a benefit in disguise. Alertness helps. Better safe than sorry. Hope the damage from this Cyclone is minimal. Take care and stay safe.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Relationships in midlife

Every relationship will get boring after you’ve been together for years. This is a reality that often goes unspoken. Relationships, no matter how passionate they start, eventually settle into routine. Familiarity breeds contempt, though the degree of contempt can vary. The initial thrill, the butterflies, the constant excitement, they all slowly fade away as life takes its own course. 

But that doesn’t mean the relationship is failing; it means it’s evolving. A relationship isn’t supposed to stay in that honeymoon phase forever. It is meant to grow deeper, richer, more profound over time, age and mature like fine wine and cheese. And yes, sometimes it gets mundane, but that’s where the real love begins— when you can find comfort and beauty in the ordinary moments together. 

Love isn’t just a feeling. It’s a commitment, to love every day, physically or emotionally. We are often sold this idea that love is purely a feeling - a constant state of euphoria and passion. But the truth is, such feelings come and go, like flashes of lightning during a thunderstorm on a summer night. There will be days when love feels effortless, smooth and silky, but there will also be days when it feels like work. That’s because real love isn’t just about how you feel in a moment; it is about the choices you make every single day to stay committed - to show up and to be present. It’s about continuing to love, even when life throws challenges your way, even when your partner isn’t at his or her best, and even when it gets tough. Love is action. It’s what you do, not just what you feel. 

Relationships aren’t always easy. They require effort, patience, mutual trust, respect and understanding. That’s normal. It is not supposed to be perfect, the goal post shifting all the time. Relationship is about growth, both individually and together. The key is to remember that the hard times are just as much a part of the journey as the good times. They don’t mean the relationship is broken—they mean it’s a perpetual work in progress. 

People tend to quit when it stops being fun, and they go look for someone else because "the spark is gone." In today’s world, we are conditioned to chase the next thrill, the next rush of excitement. So, when the initial mojo evaporates in a relationship, many people think it’s a sign to move on. But that new spark has an expiry date too. It is perennially fleeting. It’s the novelty of something new, not the foundation of lasting love. Real love is about what happens after the novelty fades—when you no longer rely on infatuation but on the deeper connection you’ve built over time. 

The idea that love should always feel exciting and new is a myth. True love isn’t about constantly chasing sparks; it’s about building a firewall that can withstand the storms. Real love is about weathering the storms together, not running at the first sign of difficulty. It’s about digging in, standing firm, and choosing to stay, even when it would be easier to walk away. 

Love, like friendship is a two-way street. You can't clap using one hand. It takes two to tango. If you want someone to be there for you in your worst moments, to stand by you when you’re not at your best, then you must be willing to reciprocate and do the same. Love isn’t about receiving—it is about giving. It’s about being the kind and caring to your partner, offering grace, patience and understanding, even when it feels undeserved. True love doesn’t waver based on convenience. It’s steadfast, even in the hardest moments. Real love doesn’t fade when the spark is gone. It deepens through commitment, grows through patience, and lasts through every season of life. This is the best antidote to myriads of midlife crisis I come across these days.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Kumar Purnima 2024

 The festival of KUMAR PURNIMA (The Full Moon day of Youth) is celebrated in Odisha on the auspicious day of SHARAT PURNIMA, also known as the "Hunters Moon", i.e. the Full Moon immediately following the DASAHARA festival. This year Kumar Purnima is celebrated today.

Unlike the more prominent national festivals of DASAHARA and DIWALI, sandwiched between these two major festivals, the festival of KUMAR PURNIMA is very specific to the state of Odisha. The occasion is perfect when the prickly heat and slushy ground post the monsoon season gives way to a balmy, salubrious weather under a clear blue sky, culminating in full blown "Hunters moon" smiling on top of the sky, playing hide and seek with floating fleecy white cloud.

The young, nubile Odia girls pray on this day aspiring for a handsome groom, her Knight-in-Shining-Armor dream man to lift her in his strong, loving, caring arms to the distant full moon smiling up above the sky. Boys and girls alike attire themselves in their new sets of clothes. Varieties of PITHA (rice based cakes) are cooked at home from the thinner variety called CHAKULI to the baked variety of slightly larger than Golf ball size "ENDURI PITHA", which are no doubt healthy and tasty, but BIRI or lentil component in it produces a lot of gas. My favorite is the rice based MANDA PITHA which is stuffed with grated coconut laced with jaggery.

During our childhood days, we used to have an extended Puja vacation in our village near Puri, with the much awaited Kumar Purnima a fitting finale to the extended Puja holidays. My first memory goes back to 1976, exactly 48 years ago under a sparkling silver moon, we kids would moon around the tall coconut trees, creating clouds of dust in the surrounding, still struggling to digest the sumptuous lunch of NADIA KHECHADI (ghee laced yellow rice with sprinkled grated coconut), Sweet Dal and an array of other delicacies, singing together...


roughly transliterated...

Ridge Gourd flowers go burst, 
Cucumber flowers go burst.
The Squirrel has spread message,
Keep a handful of Rice for forage.

Today 48 years later, I stand in my backyard under a spotless blue sky on a cool, windy evening deriving vicarious pleasure of another time looking at the fulll moon rising behind a starry sky through the pine trees - the virtual substitute for the coconut trees back home, as the swaying, chirping little birdies crisscross the crimson sky of the twilight. The plumpy feral cat in my backyard chases away a squirrel, reminding me of the lanky kitty cat staring at us kids in our village from a safe distance as we went frolicking around the coconut and betel nut trees.

The slowly rising full moon goes hiding behind the pine trees, as the leaves swaying to the wind gusts try to wipe the dirt off its surface like a wiper cleaning a car windshield, giving me a clear view of the rabbit on the moon. An array of  Pelicans pass by cawing PAAON PAAON. The brightly moonlit yellow dandelion flowers leaves look brighter, smiling at me, reminding my good old childhood days and the nostalgic memories of a bygone era to cherish forever. HAPPY KUMAR PURNIMA TO ALL.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

 Charles Dickens famous quip from his epic Novel "The Tell of Two Cities"- "It was the best of the time, it was the worst of the time" couldn't be more prophetic. It rings a bell when I look at the recent performance of  Pakistan's cricket team. Those from my generation have seen the best of the times of Pakistani cricket at its pinnacle in the 1980s and 1990s. Now we are seeing the worst of the times as the country's cricket has hit the rock bottom, with a series of losses at home from a whitewash by Bangladesh, followed by a humiliating defeat by visiting English team even after scoring 500 plus in the first innings.

It's famed fast bowling attack looks pedestal and batsmen inconsistent and at best average. 

Never before I saw Pakistan cricket in such a state of doldrum. Well, they have a reputation of dressing room infights and internal bickerings in open, often ending in fisticuffs. In 1981-82 about 8-9 cricketers, most of them senior players refusing to play under a rookie Captain 24 year old Javed Miandad. History repeated itself in 1993 when almost similar number of players refused to play under a young and arrogant Wasim Akram. But such skirmishes were more like flash in a pan, rarely impacted the performance of the team as a whole. 

They had the best of the times for decades seen by our generation who followed cricket from 1970s. It was the ebulient, charismatic leadership of Imran Khan which brought the best out of the Pakistani team as under his leadership the team managed to defeat England in England, India in India and win the coveted 50 overs World Cup in 1992. 

The current situation is worst of its time. The rot started when a series of Pakistani players were accused of match fixing, some even caught red handed on camera fixing matches with bookies. Being unpredictable was the quintessential sine qua non akways associated with the Pakistani team whose performance has a history of swinging like pendulum. One day they would play like a world campion, the next day they will look like club cricketers on steroids. But they have become very predictable these days. The once almost invincible at home Pakistani cricket team led by fast bowlers like Imran Khan & Sarfraz Nawaz, Wasim Abram and Waqar Younis who used to hunt in pairs, they have become immensely predictable these days by losing to pretty average if not ordinary sides. 

These days the extremely competitive modern sports talent isn't just enough. You need infrastructure, coaching and money to polish your skills and takent, taking it to the next level. Talent can get you only to certain extent. Professional teams like India and Australia have judiciously invested time and money with results showing on the ground. On the other hand, Pakistan still has a long way to catch up as far as professionalism goes. Unless they arrest their current state of decline and put their house in order they could very well end up like Zimbabwe and West Indies. Pakistan has earned a lot of bad Karma due to its flawed policies. Karma is a bitch, it bites hard.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Happy 90th Birthday Akshaya Mohanty

 If he were alive, the legendary Odia singer Akshaya Mohanty born this day in October, 1934, today he would be 90 year old today. Like Kishore Kumar, he was a virtuoso, a multifaceted artistic talent from Odisha. Though better known as a versatile singer, the lyricist in him penned many songs - from serious to romantic, from comic to tragic ones. The music all rounder in him arguably stood him above the rest of the contemporaries from his generation, which included a field of gifted artistic talents from the state of Odisha, the likes of Pranab Patnaik, Chitta Jena, Sikandar Alam, Prafulla Kar.

Khoka Bhai (he went by this alias), started singing in the 1950s and was at his peak during 1970s. During that time he made the cardinal mistake of quitting his cushy government job to fully focus on his musical career. Unfortunately for him, he belonged to a state better known as the graveyard of artistic pursuits.

The milieu those days when government was the main employment provider where Odias in general looked down upon and harbored anathema towards anything but secured SARAKARI (government) job. He could have rubbed Clarified Butter on his moustache (NISARE GHIA MARI) and worked nonchalantly in his job nonstop till he attained the age of 58, stil would have continued to sing untill his death, completely assured by the safety net of a "Sarkari" pensions. But he took a risk to follow his first love music and like most first loves in life it didn't materialize for him and remained stillborn, him paying a big price for quitting his government job.

Khoka bhai (his popular nickname) sang many Odia hits. His records sold well. He was hugely popular and immensely admired, yet his going professional in the field of music did not fetch him the remuneration to amply compensate for his ability. By mid 1980s he was not in good economic shape. Everyone admired his songs and music, but going pro didn't provide him a sustainable source of income. He took to alcohol and continued to abuse himself. My brother-in-law who interacted with him extensively during the maestro's trip to Chicago in June, 2001 often found him drunk, staggering and blabbering around. His reckless alcoholism probably cut short his life and career as he died a year later in the year 2002 at the age of 68.

After listening to Akshaya Mohanty's title song from movie "JAJABARA", Lata Mangeshkar suggested him to try his luck in Bollywood. But a laid back Akshaya Mohanty would never do that. He visited America multiple times and enthralled the NROs (Non Resident Odias) with his nostalgic songs. My memory goes back to the year 1979 when his trip to America was well covered in the local media in Odisha. Those days coming to America used to be a big deal. The legendary singer, post returning from his American trip quoted in the popular local Odia daily "SAMAJA" - "Even cats and dogs are better off in America than humans here in Odisha".

India has come a long way since 1979, now a 4 trillion dollar plus economy chugging ahead. Visiting America is no longer a big deal to get publicized in local newspapers. But those were the days. Soon came out a song composed and recorded by him based on his first hand American experience,



 (Love in America
  is a road side show,
  In Cuttack love happens
  behind Rickshaw).

The young generation in Odisha since have lifted their veil of shyness, enjoying their amorous aventures in middle of parks and pubs - even on BEECH (Middle of) roads as hand pulled Rickshaws have given way to their Autorickshaw cousins.

Saluting the Maestro and wishing him a Happy Birthday, let me end my ode to him with this funny number, penned by himself,


Roughly transliterated

"My beloved's home backyard
Has a jungle filled with Poison Ivy,
In the eagerness to watch her stealthily,
I had to scratch myself heavy."

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Happy Birthday Amitabh

Today is the Birthday of Amitabh Bachhan, an icon in Hindi movie industry, popularly known as Bollywood (aptly named after Hollywood, the way we love to copycat). There is this dialogue from his movie "KAALIA" - "Hum Jahan Khade Hote Hain, Line Wohi Se Shuru Hoti Hai", meaning, "Wherever I stand the line starts from there". The movie from the year 1982, incidentally the time when Amitabh was the one man Bollywood industry, the unchallenged superstar. He was the no. 1 to no. 10 choice of the watchers of Hindi movies, the rest came way behind. So much so that the popular actresses of that time were scared to be his leading ladies in movies, lest they will be eclipsed by the actor standing tall above the rest. 

Amitabh started his movie career in the year 1969 in a forgettable movie "Saat Hindustani". He struggled for 4 more years and at one point decided to leave acting and become a "Boxwallah" until Zanzeer (1973) and Deewar (1974) delivered him two back to back hits putting him on a pedestal from which he never looked back. By 1980, he had already established himself as the Superstar of Bollywood. Once considered too tall and lanky to play the lead role as an actor, he proved all his detractors wrong. No wonder it is said that a good height always attracts the opposite sex. Those were the days, 6 feet 2 was considered being too tall and Jaya Bhadudi with a diminutive height of 4 feet 8 survived well in the industry (incidentally they were and still are married to each other). 

In year 1980 journalist and Writer Tavleen Singh once met Amitabh at her friend Sonia Gandhi's home in Delhi. As Amitabh was close to the Gandhi family, Tavleen requested Sonia if she could make Amitabh, already a superstar of the time agree for an interview. Amitabh was very warm and agreed. He told Tavleen - "Please talk to my Secretary in Bombay and get an appointment".

When the D-day arrived early that morning Tavleen arrived at Amitabh's home who was about to step out for an outdoor shooting session for movies "Naseeb" and "Do Aur Do Paanch". The previous warmth displayed a Sonia Gandhi's home had vanished as Amitabh barely talked and in a reserved tone told her to follow her as his wife Jaya gave Tavleen a cold stare while handing over the a tiffin career containing simple, vegetarian food. Amitabh was a frugal eater.

At the set Tavleen noted that Amitabh completely overshadowed his co-actors Hema Malini and the Kapoor brothers Sashi and Rishi. In terms of popularity he was way ahead of the rest, mobbed by his fans both on and off the set.

It was a long day. Finally after sunset when darkness set in, Amitabh found some time for interview and open up to Tavleen answering her questions on his way to another set for another shooting session. As mentioned by Tavleen after the interview she ended up with a crush on the tall, charismatic actor.

In late 1960s, days before getting into acting profession once Amitabh visited Mahmood, a comedian and a better known actor of the time along with his close buddy Rajiv Gandhi, the eldest son of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi who later went on to become India's Prime Minister. Not knowing Rajiv Gandhi, Mahmood told Amitabh - "You are too tall, lanky, devoid of a hero's look. Better try your hands playing the role of a bad guy". Then glancing at Rajiv Gandhi he said - "However, your friend is a handsome dude and got looks fit for a hero. He may try his luck in Bollywood". Fate had its own way. A decade later in 1979 Amitabh was the undisputed king and Superstar of Bollywood after the stupendous success of his movie  "MUQADDAR KA SIKANDAR" where he vanquished Vinod Khanna, his sole challenger at that time.

Prior to his first hit ZANZEER, Amitabh reportedly contemplated quitting movie career (Similar to Kishore Kumar who thought of retiring before the success of his songs from ARADHANA). The rest we know is history, as he established himself as the one man industry. So much so that, in the1980s he got away with mediocre performances in junk movies like MAHAAN, JADUGAR etc churned out one after another by the likes of Manmohan Desai and Prakash Mehra.

The saga of this talented Mega star (he was above and beyond a Superstar) is beyond the scope of this blog. Some, if not all of his movies impressed me enough to make them watchable even today, especially many of them laced with the golden voice of Kishore Kumar who was the playback singer of many of Bachchan's hit movies (its rumored both fell out with each other in 1984 after SHARABI. Kishore Kumar refused to sing for Amitabh after that when Shabir Kumar, not Kishore became his voice).

The other day I was watching one of his movies - NAMAK HARAM (Untruthful to Salt), a movie in which he acted along with the contemporary Superstar Rajesh Khanna. Though Rajesh Khanna hugged the limelight in that movie, Amitabh showed flashes of brilliance with his trademark angry young man acting using his baritone voice. Needless to say, he showed traits for a promising future. He not only became a superstar, but ended up being the Megastar, a record no one has broken since.

The movie has a strong undertone of Socialism, the fad during those days. Rajesh Khanna asks his friend Amitabh, who plays the role of son of a rich business tycoon, the price of "Chivas Regal", a brand of Scotch they were sharing together. It was Rs. 250 a bottle in 1973, a hefty amount these days - more than a MAZDOOR (worker's) salary. The price of a 60 ml shot of Chivas Regal costs twice as much these days in any decent hotel in India.

As the movie progresses, Amitabh is advised by his father not to trust his friend Rajesh Khanna, because the later is from the middle class. He warns his son - "Your friend belongs to the middle class. Folks from that class, though they vouch on their ideology and principles, can also be very ambitious and hence dangerously treacherous. Perennially looking for opportunity to move up, they can easily drop their pretense of ideology cloaked in hypocrisy to do anything to climb up the social ladder. Hence the middle class folks should never be trusted."

Very apt and prophetic statement. Upper class folks born with silver spoon in their mouth, mostly have a smooth sailing in their life. The barely ambitious lower class look forward their next meal. The middle class always have that feeling, "I would love to be there but I am not yet there, may be some day." 

They day dream about reaching the status of those "haves". Competition is cut throat and jealousy is the highest amongst the middle class. Some of them, are capable of doing anything and everything, by hook or crook for upward mobility. 

The burgeoning middle class in last few decades just strives hard to do that, a desire to get rich overnight at any cost. They are the ones who are pretty much mostly responsible for all corruption and scams we see these days.

The tall ambition of the middle class as described by the actor Om Shiv Puri in this movie is dwarfed the acting Lamboo (Tall) legend who delivered his classic closing monologe in the movie. Don't think I will see anyone close to Amitabh's stature during my lifetime. Happy 82nd Birthday to the legend. Hope more to come. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Happy birthday Utkalamani

Today is the birthday of Gopabandhu Das, an Odia Patriot, freedom fighter, social worker, reformer and writer - all blended into one like finest of blended Scotch Whiskies. He is also fondly referred by the masses as UTKALAMANI or "The Jewel of Odisha", a title well earned. He was one of the first visionaries of modern Odisha, a pioneer of out of box thinking.

Gopabandhu Das was born on October 9, 1877, in the village of SUANDO in Puri district of Odisha, a walkable distance from my ancestral village. From his early childhood he was sharp in academics and like most went to Puri, the closest township from a cluster of neighborhood villages to do his higher studies.

Higher education enlightened him to fight social evils and dogmas. He fought against couple of scourges of the time, the diseases of Casteism and Cholera, one social and the other one pandemic in nature. Though a Brahmin he changed his last name from "Dash" from "Das" to protest against the rigid casteism prevelant at the time. He was in favor of woman empowerment, widow remarriage, mass education and was staunchly opposed to Child marriage, leaving no stone unturned in his efforts.

Hordes of people used to die in flood, followed by communicable diseases like Cholera (my grandfather has seen in his own eyes his entire family of 10 from his cousin's side in our village wiped out by cholera in matter of a week). Cholera patients were treated as pariah those days. Nobody would dare come closer to a Cholera patient, locally called as "BADI MADAA" (A Cholera corpse) fearing contamination as the dogs during the day and Jackals in night would feast on the abandoned corpses. It was Cholera not Condom which kept the population under control those days.

Gopabandhu and his friends, primarily Nilakantha Das's tryst with the lethal disease hardened their resolve to fight it. Encountering it from close quarters helped them overcome the fear of the disease. They did something unthinkable at that time - take the Cholera Bull by its horn. Getting close and taking care those infected with this marauding disease, from administering them medicines to doing their last rights, for no one would dare to touch a person cursed by "BAADI THAKURANI" (The Goddess of Cholera) - without ever bothering about getting contaminated. Little did they knew that Cholera was a water borne disease.

Gopabandhu used to travel to remotest of the places to supply relief materials and medicine to the impacted folks. He also foresaw the power of media and was the founder of a popular Odia Daily The SAMAJA (Society), which is still in print. In 1908 he formed the "Young Utkal Association" - an organization which strived for philanthropy and fighting the social evils of the time.

In 1924 Gopabandhu Das got out of jail where he was put by the British for protesting their occupation. He got a heroic welcome from public and was immediately received by P. C. Ray at the Provincial Congress Conference in Town Hall of Cuttack, where the later proudly made an announcement, declararing Gopabandhu Das as "UTKALA MANI" or The Jewel of Odisha. This title has stuck to him till this day.

Pandit Gopabandhu Das, was fond of fish. He has expressed his fetish for prawn which was plentiful those days -



"Hey, why the prawn is not seen in menu,
What'll make us snore in the afternoon ?"

Due to lack of refrigeration facilities as well as demand for export, freshly caught Tiger Prawns (Shrimps) caught from the Bay of Bengal coast were sold cheaply by the fishermen at dime a dozen before the heat and humidity of Puri spoiled them. Locals feasted on them until the arrival of storage facilities and demand for their export gradually made them a lucrative, luxurious and costly item for the locals.

Pandit Nilakantha Das, a close friend and confidante of Pandit Gopabandhu Das has devoted an entire chapter in his autobiography clearing the aura of "BHAKTIKA MITHYA" or devotional lies attributed to UTKALAMANI. Sri Lingaraj Mishra wrote this sometime in the 1950s without fact check, when a statue of Utkalamani was inagurated in Cuttack - "When Gopabandhu's only son was laying on death bed in 1904, he got the news about the devastating floods in Odisha. Bidding adieu to his son at his bedside, Gopabandhu said - "so many sons of my country are perishing. I have to serve them, even if I have to leave my son on his death bed", before proceeding to flood impacted areas. Then poet Radhamohan Gadanayak wrote a long poem eulogizing Gopabandhu on this.

No question about Utkalamani's unflinching commitment and dedication towards social service, but this was simply a devotional lie spread by his BHAKTs (devotees). Nilakantha Das kept the records straight on this by providing detailed facts with timelines. Lingaraj Mishra who wrote this popular anecdote didn't know Gopabandhu until 1921. Utkalamani was never involved in serving people in flood or draught affected areas until the year 1908 when he formed the "Young Utkal Association". It was good 4 years after 1904 when the claim of him abandoning his sick son to serve the calamity stricken people was made.

As per Pandit Nilakantha Das who knew Gopabandhu from close quarters - Utkalamani was not a stoic person, rather he had a soft, caring heart. Sri Nilakantha had seen in his own eyes, in presence of Late Sadashiv Mishra (a famed teacher in Puri Zilla School) the death of Gopabandhu's infant son in the arms of his wife in an era when infant mortality rate was very high. Needless to say, the parents were inconsolable. He was his only son and there was no flood during that time.

Another devotional lie was after his son's death and before the great flood of 1908 Gopabandhu became a saffron clad Sanyasi (yogi) roaming across nation. That was also nowhere close to truth. Had these facts were not disclosed by Sri Nilakantha Das, these urban legends would never have been debunked and turned to gospels.

Ironically the man who worked fearlessly amongst the Cholera patients shunned by the public, died of another waterborne disease - Typhoid. In 1928 Gopabandhu went to Calcutta to address a labor conference and likely contracted there the disease from which he could never recover. Apprehending his death, Utkalamani summoned Nilakantha Das and others close to him, instructing them to write his final will. "I am dictating my last will and testament", he said this as Dr. Radhanath Rath wrote it in front of teary eyed onlookers. After giving instructions to donate the Samaj printing press to "Bharat Sevak Samaj", he passed away.

Next day was the eve of the auspucious Sri GUNDICHA Rath Yatra. Gopabandhu's dead body was taken around Satyavadi, where he dedicated most of his life in the service to mankind. Droves of mourning people massed around the funeral pyre as his remains were consigned to flame. It was end of an era, a chapter in the history of Odisha came to close. That days was June 17, 1928.

Being independent minded, Pandit Gopabandhu fought against the contemporary British rule, advocating SWARAAJ or self rule. He was promptly arrested and put in jail. While is jail, he wrote in Odia BANDIRA ATMA KATHA (The autobiography of a Prisoner), a stanza from which I still remember. goes as follows.


Roughly transliterated...

"Let my body blend in this county's track,
Let My country men walk on my back.
On the path of self rule lies potholes,
Let it get filled with my flesh, bones." 

Mortal man, whose immortal memories is going to inspire all for generations to come. My thousands salute to the free thinker and beacon of the future on his 147th Birthday.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Happy birthday Imran Khan

 As a cricket captain he desired to defeat England in England and India in India. He got both his wishes fulfilled. He announced his retirement from cricket as the much fancied Pakistani side of 1987 failed to win the World Cup being held in the Indian subcontinent, but returned back to cricket after being pursuaded by Zia-Ul-Haq to return back to play cricket again. He went on to win the Cricket World Cup Pakistan's captain in 1992 after motivating his team when all hopes was gone as his team was one game shy from elimination. He soon built a Cancer hospital in memory of his mother, first of its kind in a poverty stricken Pakistan. He is the well known Pakistan's ex-Cricketer Imran Khan. 

The ultimate alpha Male, Imran bedded a number of lasses, produced at least one known Bastard (from the six feet American celebrity girl Sita White. He first denied but admitted of fathering a girl child when US Court summoned him to do a paternity test). 

Sita White died young at a young age 43, suddenly collapsing before her Yoga class in Los Angeles. Imran was forced to take his daughter into his custody. A playboy of repute he rumored to have affairs with Rekha, Moon Moon Sen and notably Zeenat Aman whom he almost married but for the objection from his mother. He married multiple times which included Jemima Goldsmith, his first wife, a girl half his age and daughter of a super rich Jewish tycoon. 

When Imran  Khan joined politics, he was laughed off and expected not to replicate his success on the Cricket field in the murky world of politics. Yet he rose to became the Prime Minister - the ultimate dream of any politician of Indian subcontinent. But soon he realized that politics is a dirty game and ain't every one's cuppa tea. It is Allah, Army and America who rule the roost in Pakistan, but non of them are on his side at this moment. Eventually it was the all powerful Pakistani Army which put him behind jail. Happy 74th birthday Imran Khan.