Friday, February 9, 2024

Bodyshoppers are pimps and we Prostitutes

It's not an understatement that the IT Body Shopping Companies (appropriately named for recruiting contractors to work for Clients) are Pimps and those who work or once worked for them are prostitutes on a regular payroll. Any below par performance, leading to dissatisfaction and dysfunction on the client's side is unacceptable, as Client's complete satisfaction is the ultimate goal. For older IT Pros like me, be on guard, because more sought after younger pros with better skills are lurking around.

Take my example. In the 1990s my demand was at its peak. I was young and fresh in the market. Pimps like vultures were ready for my young body. As my skills fitted perfectly matching to the Client's desire, I was sent abroad to satisfy the needs of a British client. My India based pimp paid me in Pound Sterling for my services rendered, though the bugger pocketed the biggerer chunk of the pie. However the harlot me loved the British money and company until I got bored in few months.

But on a positive note, post returning from England with my service rendered and having the pleasure and experience of satisfying my British client, my market value increased manifold. Their American counterparts, common people separated by a common language, were eagerly waiting on the other side of Atlantic to embrace me. I was also excited to service them for a few dollars more.

Finally one of the biggest and an US based professional pimps of the time, Mastech (now iGate) hired me. They lured me with offers of money, benefits and dangled the carrot of Green card - Permanent Residency in US with path towards citizenship, in front of me in exchange for my service.

During my long stint of service, as I kept getting older, I was trained to upgrade my skills to enhance the client's satisfaction. We were told to learn new Client Server technologies as our clients got bored with my same old repetitive skills. I finally got tired of tirelessly serving several multinational clients British, American and Japanese. Old age was  catching up. Though I had the option of becoming a pimp based upon my experience, I opted to settle down in my profession.

During my multiple client servicing days, I was instructed to be dressed and groomed properly, wear perfumes while meeting clients. At this old age, I don't have to be too much fussy about grooming myself, but as I see much younger ones in my profession with better client servicing skills, I get jealous.

It's high time, as they say in Odia "BRUDHHA BESHYA TAPASWINI" - the old Harlot turns into a mendicant. It's probably high time for me to fading into oblivion in a sagely manner. 

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