Saturday, October 24, 2020

American Elections and Begaani Shaadi

 A little more than a week to go for the US Presidential elections. If polls are to be believed, Joe Biden is all set to become the President. But a week is a long time in politics and more than a week is still longer. 

Last time in 2016, I didn't vote for  President, as I liked neither Trump nor Hillary as the choice was between a Crazy vs Crook. (However I like Hillary's husband Bill as I believe he was a good President). This time I had no second thoughts when I cast my vote using mail in ballot, as the choice is between a Crazy and Crook vs Democracy. (though I believe Trump will narrow carry my state of Georgia, a Republican stronghold unless a pleasant surprise awaits me).

Yet I am bit nervous as the ghost of 2016 still hunts me when Trump beat Hillary beating all expectations with a surprise win. This time he could have easily replicated his victory from last time, probably even bettering last Presidential election. But the COVID-19 put a spanner on wheels of his reelection campaign.

Love him or hate him, one must admit Trump is an effective communicator whose short, targeted sales pitch works for him - at least with his base who still cling to him. His approach is to blitzkrieg his opponents, branding them as man of low energy (Jeb Bush) and Little Marco (his opponent Marco Rubio in 2016 Primaries whom he ridiculed for his short height and beyond). It worked splendidly for him, as he went on to destroy his opponents one after another in the election year 2016.

But Coronavirus is not Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or Joe Biden who can be branded as Low energy COVID, Little COVID. The little, rather microscopic COVID has proved a far more resilient opponent as US COVID-19 count is inching towards 9 millon and still counting. He can't brand it as Sleepy COVID, as he brands Biden as Sleepy Joe, as virus  has put 224,000 Americans into sleep permanently. COVID-19 is not debating with him on the stage. If he loses it's not Joe Biden or Democrats who defeated him, it will be Coronavirus, stupid.

The American elections are closely watched and followed in rest of the world, including my motherland India. It's another thing to follow the American Elections, but this time I am surprised it has taken a partisan turn in India. Some of my close friends back home tried to pursue me to vote for Trump. I have an open mind, so gave them a patience hearing before politely declining to do so, as I have my own mind.

Yet some of them became openly antagonistic to me, a few even turning belligerent for me not voting for Trump. Their simple logic - I am not a patriot if I don't vote for Trump. Wish patriotism and foreign policy were as simple as that. Patriotism is the last resort of a scoundrel and I am not a scoundrel. One
doesn't have to be a Modi-Trump duo supporter to prove one's patriotism. 62% of Indians didn't vote for BJP and more Americans voted against Trump in 2016 Elections (he lost the popular vote to Hillary and got elected due to the Electoral college system). I strongly believe those Indians as well Americans are patriots.

Secondly, some tried to cajole me to vote for Trump with their misplaced belief that he is more pro-Indian than Biden. Dear Trump supporers - No American President is pro India, or anti India. They are pro-American. It includes your truly, Trump too. Trump may speak critically about Pakistan now (what Trump speaks need not be taken seriously anyway), but if needed he can mollycoddle Pakistan. George Bush, immediately pampered Pakistan on the aftermath of 9/11. Bush was a fellow Republican. Trump has'nt declared Pakistan a terrorist state and still the official position of United States on Kashmir is it's still a disputed territory.

Sorry, my Trump fans back home. There is absolutely no harm in following American politics, or any nation's politics for that matter. But it's not imperative to get overtly partisan. One doesn't need to be the famous ABDULLAH in BEGAANI SHAADI MEIN ABDULLAH DIWANA (No need to dance in someone else's marriage party). This about this. During an General Election in India will you like somebody from Nigeria soliciting your vote for the Congress Party because Rahul Gandhi is perceived being close to Nigeria ? I don't think so.

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