Sunday, December 23, 2018

Trump's Sudden Declaration of win over ISIS

Trump suddenly announced withdrawal of troops from Syria on the basis of his self proclaimed win over ISIS. This is far from the truth. The decision of the mercurial president of the United states is both premature and preposterous.

It is actually Trump's Christmas gift to his master Putin who controls American President as his Poodle Dog (on top of that Trump also announced waiver of US sanctions from couple of Russian Oligarchs close to Putin to keep the  Russian dictator warm and fuzzy)

ISIS is like whack a mole. You whack one, another bunch pop up. It is akin to RAKTA BIRJYA RAKHYASA (Blood seed Demon) described in the Hindu mythology. He was granted a boon by one of the Trinity Gods - that if one drop of his blood hits the ground thousands of the Demon's clones prop up. Similarly, you think ISIS is finished, it manages to raise its ugly head.

In reality it is far from finished. A month ago I met a soldier who had just returned from Afghanistan where he had a stint as part of Special Operations force. According to him - come Spring, ISIS never fails to springs a surprise or two. 

He had several interesting anecdotes to narrate. His Special Ops team have fought with both Talibans and ISIS. Talibans when sense defeat, feel outgunned and outnumbered flee to fight another day. Per the special op guy - Talibans who are trained across the border, an euphemism for Pakistan are told to back out when their opponent has an upper hand. It is a smart ploy as Pakistan doesn't want to lose their assets and want them to fight another day rather than die fighting a better equipped adversary.

In contrast, the ISIS volunteers fire at the Apache Helicopters and motivated enough to fight until death. They even continue their suicidal fight rather than surrender or flee, even if they know they are doomed. ISIS are akin to our Rajputs in Medieval India who would launch a frontal attack and fight until death rather take a rain check to fight another day. The Talibans are like our Maratha warrior Shivaji - fight guerilla warfare and pragmatic to do a tactical retreat when facing reverses to come back to fight on a later day.

I am not saying that US should get entangled in all imbroglios in the world, especially in the messy Middle - East. But this abrupt announcement of withdrawal of US troop withdrawal and victory is the reflection of an idiotic mindset of our Commander-in-Chief who is clueless about Foreign policy ( on domestic matters as well). As absolute power can corrupt absolutely, an absolute moron can destroy a nation absolutely.

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