Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy New Year - 2019

The year 2018 paves way for the next teen year of the Millennium 2019. While we step into the year, we don't know what's ahead, what's in store for us. As the old man 2018 bends his spine and extends his hand to open the door to welcome the New Year, it's time for some introspection. 

A la getting rid off old cloths for the new ones, the soul moving from one body to another as famously extolled by Lord Krishna in the BHAGWAT GITA and other Hindu Scriptues, 2019 will be reborn yet again at midnight tonight. The year dawns as the cherubic smile of a newborn, as another number is added to its age in the form of a New Year.

But hardly anything ever changes. Life trudges ahead as just the same shit, different day with different color and texture. Hardly anything cataclysmically different happens, rather more or less the status quo is maintained. I don't make any New year promises to me as I don't and can't keep them.

We may forget history but we don't forget to repeat it year after year. Similar to this starting stanza of the Kishore's song


"One season comes and another goes,
Seasons change not the fateful woes".

This year came and went with a mixed bag of good, bad and ugly for me, with additional baggage of memories to roll into next year. Made new friends, revived old ones and lost a few near and dear ones, once and for all. Yet the year comes with this stark reminder - life goes downhill from here, tasks become uphill and years are numbered before I go over the hill.

To me, almost all the New Year wishes expressed over the years have been pleasant enough to makes them forgettable. Homo Sapien's inherent instinct is to remember the unpleasant ones. I being no exception - remember this one from 1st January,1982. On the first New Year after his marriage to Diana, Prince Charles wished the nosey British Paparazzi, "Have a Nasty New Year".

But I don't have to be nasty. So let me repeat the forgettable wish, as I do not forget to do at the end of every year - HAVE A WONDERFUL NEW YEAR ahead and stay blessed.

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