Sunday, September 17, 2017

Trump's dinner diplomacy with Dems

Donald Trump recently invited the Democratic Minority leaders Nancy Pelosi (House of Representatives) and Chuck Schumer (Senate) over for Supper. This is no Last Supper, rather the first of dinner diplomatic efforts to cut a deal over Trump's several pending legislative agendas.

This has left many hardcore Conservatives whining about the wining and dining by the President from their own party with the same folks they find alleric. A woman on Rush Limbaugh ( A hard core Conservative) show ascribed it as her PTSD (Pelosi - Trump - Schumer - Deal) moment.

Breaking bread with Democrats is a strict no no for the extreme Right wingers. Forget about any deal with Dems - they don't want to budge a bit on their hardcore Conservative agendas of Immigration and Economy of low taxes, any deal with the party is taboo to them.

Does Trump care ? Certainly not. It is not the Right wing fringe, but rather the moderate Swing voters from the Swing States have elected him to get things done in the swamp called Washington which has come to a screetching halt due to rabid bipartisanship.

As l said earlier, Trump is not a Conservative Republican. He was a Democrat before (so also Ronald Reagan who started his political career as a Democrat and famously said - I didn't leave Democratic party, the Democratic party left me). Trump is more like a Right of the Centre Democrat. Republicans didn't elect him in the last election. It is rather the Democrats of the states of Pennsylvania (last voted for a Republican President in 1988),  Michigan and Wisconsin (last voted GOP in 1984).

Even if the Republicans nominate a Donkey or a Dog, those 35% of the Republican base will always vote for their party's nominee (same goes with Democratic base as well). Trump knows it and has taken these voters for granted. Come election, using his great convincing skill Trump can cajole his base to vote for him - by instilling a fear in their mind about a Democratic comeback. Politics is a game of perception and Trump has mastered it to perfection. This Dinner, Deal and Dessert thing fits to his image of a dealmaker.

In the meantime, Hillary Clinton is going on a cross country tour to promote her new book. Democrats are now saying, "Oh, so now you will visit some Swing States". I smell a rat here. The woman, highly ambitious she is, is doing the groundwork for a third Presidential run in 2020. 

God forbid if that happens. If Dems nominate her for 2020 - Trump (or Mike Pence if Trump doesn't complete his first term) or a Donkey nominated by GOP got my vote.

P.S. : For the uninitiated GOP which is the acronym for Grand Old Party is another name for Republican party in USA. It is akin to the Congress Party back home, which can be termed as GOP of India.

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