Saturday, September 9, 2017

The senseless killing of Gouri Lankesh

Gauri Lankesh's ruthless and senseless muder has evoked varied, partisan reactions. The protagonists of Right Wing Hindutva brigade have blamed her for her own death - it's her suicidal killing due to harboring a different point of view, alluding to conspiracy theories ranging from Maoist to Congress and the personal enemies she cultivated contributing towards her killing.

Almost all Muslims on social media or otherwise have blamed the Right wing nuts for getting rid of an annoyance in her. All my minority friends have squarely blamed it on the Chaddi Wallas (Knicker wearing guys) going berserk, alluding to the Right Wing Hindu fanatics for getting rid of her (some have openly expressed the same on social media, the less extroverts have privately confided the same to me).

I thought America as the only divided nation on earth. But views from back home mirrors pretty close. With the exception of a miniscule erudite and sensible friend Devashree Dutta no one focused on the real issue - the Law and Order angle of it. 

It's not about Left, Right or Center, liberal or conservative. It's about the sanctity of human life. Was she a criminal ? No. She just had a different point of view in a nation touted as the largest democracy on earth. She was a Liberal and an outright champion of women's lib and a voval critic of the Hindutva Brigade. And the punishment for having a Liberal point of view is certainly not death by 7 bullets from close range - 5 through heart and 2 through head. If so, that's fascism.

Has the police apprehended the person behind the cold blooded murder so far ? I think it's affirmatively negative as of now. Will the real culprit be ever caught and punished ? Will the truth behind the murder ever come out ? 

Hoping against hope, I hope so. But your guess is as good as mine. The wish of the real perpetrators of this heinous kind might end up as pipe dream. We all will carry it to our grave without ever knowing the truth behind this cowardice assassination - for I always consider attacks on women and children being utterly cowardice. Only a quick turnaround and justice delivered in this case will sooth her soul. Nothing else.

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