Monday, June 5, 2017

Day XI in Bhubaneswar - India trip 2017

The Monday started with a gray sky and cool breeze filled with promise of rain. It made gray, the color of gloom, turning to be the harbinger of joyful expectations in a city already baked at 43 degreees (110 degree Fahrenheit heat) topped with sultry humidity just the previous day. The approaching rain from the distant horizon which brought respite from the stifling heat was welcomed by one and all.

I got caught in the sudden storm while taking a morning walk in our neighborhood. The perfume of fresh rains on parched earth engulfed the air, its fragrance better than the bestest of French perfumes. The leaves and small twigs from trees swirled around as silvery rain lashed through the dust bowl, releasing its all pervading steam laced fragrance.

I started taking longer strands, walking on the sidewalks covered with protruding edges of kiosks with water dripping from them. The dust now settled down, forming a slightly muddy slush, splattering all over the legs. The ubiquitous Brown Bull inspecting a cow for insemination was forced to abort his foreplay to take shelter under the foyer of a nearby shop.

Couple of mongrels now occupied the spot vacated by the bull near the Giant Bovine's comfort zone on the sand mound and rolled over it to absorb the coolness from the freshly wet sand. The rain started pounding faster, plattering on the asbestos roof of the road side kiosks. 

The two pariah dogs moved under the shelter, giving a glancing look at the Bull at the other side of the foyer. The Bull was oblivious of their presence, busy nonchalantly ruminating its food intake and over a missed opportunity.

After a while the Bull surreptitiously put its head inside a sack of vegetables to begin his breakfast. The store owner shooed it away. The Bull trudged its way forward to the nearby kiosk where he was welcomed with MAHADEB MUNDIA (Salute to the Supreme God). Being the official carrier of Lord Shiva, every Bull has his (Mon)day.

Finally I made back to home, wet and wild after taking bath in nature's pre Monsoon showers. The morning rain kept the temperature at bay throughout the day. The best way to pass a relatively cooler afternoon is to take a short, refreshing Siesta which recharges the battery of mind and body.

This evrning my son got curious at a mound of dung near our main gate and queried - "Dad, what's that ?" "Don't worry. That's some real Bullshit" - was my response. "No kidding", my son replied back, unable to fathom the bullshit he saw was literally true. More later...

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