Thursday, June 1, 2017

Day VII in Bhubaneswar India trip - 2017

This morning a gentleman queried me - TRAWMPAW (Trump pronounced in Colloquial Odia) KEMITI ACHHI (how is he) ? The way he spoke it appeared as if I talk to the President of the United States on daily basis. He continued further, "Kulbhushan Jadav KU PHAASI NA DABAKU TRAWMPAW Pakistan KU KAHICHI" - Trump has instructed Pakistan not to hang Kulbhushan Jadav.

"Where did you get this news Sir ? " - I got curious as the news sounded too true to be believed. The gentleman responded - "Trump has said that the ICJ order must be respected".

I replied - "Haven't heard or read anywhere Trump saying that ICJ's verdict needs to be respected ! Even if he said so, this hardly means anything and shouldn't be construed as anywhere close to Trump directing Pakistan not to hang Jadav else face an ultimatum, though I sincerely hope for the poor guy's early release and return in single piece".

The gentleman, long retired from the Government services went on further, "Are you on LTC from your company (Leave Travel Concessions - an annual coverage of travel fair for an employee on vacation") ? "No MAUSA (Uncle). Unfortunately they don't", was my response, "I wish my company pays for my travel during vacation - it would be something nice to have". I could feel the feeling of one upmanship in his eyes 

A very common query I used to face during Obama's 8 year in office - "How come Obama who does not a look like a foreigner (euphemism for White) has become the President of America. My usual explanation, "Not all Americans are Caucasians though most of them are. Obama is an African - American in real sense (his Father is from Kenya and mother an American) who by virtue of his talents and hard work became arguably the most powerful person on earth. Guess the elevation of Trump as the new President has made this question redundant.

A person, a Modi BHAKT (Devotee) once asked me - "I heard that Obama regularly takes political and administrative tips from Modi ?" I chuckled and choosed not to respond as I didn't want to dishearten the fan in him.

Another hot and muggy day here in Bhubaneswar. Coinciding with handful of days prior to the arrival of monsoon in Odisha, this time is accompanied by stifling heat and humidity. Hence this phase is locally called as ANASARA GULUGULI (muggy) days, close to the famous RATH YATRA (Chariot Festival) of Lord Jagannath. The almost static air, pregnant with water vapor and barely moving a leaf on the trees becomes unbearable, with hardly any relief on sight. The local populace take solace from a free Sauna for a few days, praying for early advance of monsoon.

Though a rough day otherwise, the weather turned salubrious towards the evening with bursts of wind bringing in some solace to the parched souls. From a distance flashes of cloud to cloud lightening suddenly charged the atmosphere, bringing in cool wind gusts through the deep, dark contours of the vast array of Mango, Jackfruit, Papaya and BELA (Stone Apple) trees - the last of the green foliage still standing tall in the newly christened Smart City.

The swaying coconut trees looked like Wind Mills, their branches a la giant windshield wipers were seen swish-swashing the silvery gray sky amidst a backdrop of bright shining stars. It was a pleasant feeling of tranquility spending time atop our rooftop, relishing the wind shower which briefly reminded me of the Old Bhubaneswar. More later...

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