Friday, June 23, 2017

Back to US - India trip 2017

Back on American soil to be welcomed by a rain soaked Geogia and foot long grass in my yard, left to feast on a continuous month long rain during my absence. My neighbor welcomed me and said - "Your grass is so green". I replied, "Grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence", to which he laughed and continued, "Wish you had a great trip".
The cool air, moist and thick, felt refreshingly fresh after spending hours inhaling the breath and fart filled stale air emitted by hundreds of passengers inside the flights. My ride back home from the Airport felt too smooth for comfort. I missed the bumpy rides back home, the din and bustle, the cacophony of honks and the chaotic traffic, the murmuring of mosquitoes and clapping them to death and the yodelling of mongrels in the middle of night. 
Reminds me of Kamal Hasan from the movie PUSHPAK, who while staying in a posh hotel could not sleep as he missed the sights and sounds of his locality, where his deep rooted roots lied. A la one's own fart smells sweet, the pleasure of staying amongst your own is unparalleled, as one tends to falls in love with own millieu. Love it or hate it, amidst all these there is a unique flavor of incredible India which one does not find elsewhere.
The multiple flights I flew saw some bumpy rides - very much a part and parcel of summer time travel. I saw folks opening their windows to looking outside to get a view of it. Air and the turbulence due to it can be felt, can't be seen, especially at a height of 38,000 feet where there is no dust or flying debris to be visible.
The 1 hour 15 minutes long Groom Transportation Shuttle which I took to get home has its share of turbulence too. Midway through the drive, a lady sitting next to me suddenly burst into tears upon receiving a call. Her dad just died. She came all the way from California to meet her father who was not keeping well and wished she came an hour earlier to be at her father's bed side. Life and fate have plans of their own - do not always fulfill all our wishes.
The ex US President Ronald Reagan was known to doze off during conferences he attended abroad as he couldn't get sleep inside long flights. I also share the similar trait of not able to go beyond sporadic cat naps on long flights. My first working day post vacation awaits me. Due to the jet lag, late in the afternoon my chin is destined to drool and hit the space bar of my desktop keyboard.
Still drooling over my India trip. No black coffee or aspirin can assuage this post vacation hangover, only time will heal it. My trip did not went in vain. Travelled miles to achieve several milestones including my first visit to Coorg in Karnataka, meeting friends and relations, connecting to old friends and meeting new ones.
Still the feeling of homecoming to America is unique. Reminds me of a scene from B R Chopra's epic serial MAHABHARAT, during late 1980s. Just before the war starts, Duryodhan boasts in front of Bhishma that he has many warriors like Pitamah himself, Drona, Karna, Ashosthama, Dushashana and many more on his side. Pitamah Bhishma, the wise one replies back -"They all still have to face Arjun and ARJUN PHIR BHI ARJUN HAI (after all Arjun is still Arjun), elucidating the fact that Arjun is still above the rest. 
Drawing a similar analogy, I conclude that while I have seen many great places in the world, but America is still America. (PS: This is purely my personal view and one does not necessarily have to agree).

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